Home - nexxx/Database-Analyzer GitHub Wiki
Java/Swing based Database Management Tool, to create a basic layout of your database (including relations, attributes, attribute types and functional dependencies). From this created layout you can get the current normalform of the database and each relation. Relations can be normalized into a higher NF, up to BCNF. It also includes a graphical representation of the database.
Screenshots can be found here
- GPL v3
- Java 7 with Swing GUI
- Userfriendly, fast and intuitive
- Create Relations, Attributes, FDs
- Set PKs, FKs
- Edit all elements (edit, rename, delete,...)
- Inspection of current database, including: Current NF (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF) Key Canidates FDs, Attributes violating higher NF
- Normalization into a higher NF (up to BCNF)
- Customer Informations, Notes,...
- Export of contact data (from customer informations) into csv
- Graphical representation of database - Relation view (with FKs) and FDs view
- Export HTML Report, textual Description of DB, PNG of DB (ER Diagram + FD Diagram)
- Undo/Redo
- Multilanguage (English, German, more will follow maybe)
- Setting datatypes for attributes (preperation for DB connection): MySQL, Microsoft, Oracle, SQLite, ProstgreSQL
- Theming for Graphical Represenation
- Setting of Look and Feel