Installer UI structure - nextgis/nextgis_installer GitHub Wiki

Additional steps for installer:


Before installation:

After installation:

  1. Create desktop icon to NextGIS QGIS ngq.bat file;

  2. Create entry in Start menu to NextGIS QGIS ngq.bat file;

  3. Create entry in Start menu to NextGIS QGIS user guide UserGuide.pdf;



Packages structure

+ common libraries
| - Qt4
| - Qt5
| - QWT
| - QCA
| - QScintilla
| - cURL
| - OpenSSL
| - expat
| - Tiff
| - iconv
| - jbig
| - jpeg
| - jpeg12
| - jsonc
| - png
| - lzma
| - VC redistribute (msvcp120, msvcr120)
| - pq
| - sqlite
| - xml2
| - z
| - ecw
| - mrsid
+ python
| - python (bin/python.dll, lib\Python27\... - тут стандартные пакеты)
| - numpy
| - psycopg2
| - PyQt4
| - sip
| - gdal
+ spatial libraries
| - GDAL
| - GEOS
| - geos_c
| - GeoTIFF
| - HDF
| - proj4
| - Spatialite
| - SpatialIndex
| - SpatialIndex_c
+ Utilities
| - gdal
| - curl
| - openssl
| - sqlite
| - proj
| - qca
| - libanalysis
| - libapp
| - libcore
| - libgui
| - libpython
| - ngqgis
| - ngqgis-common
| - ngqgis-providers
| - ngqgis-providers-common
| - python-ngqgis
| - manuals (share\doc\ngqgis\UserGuide)
+ NextGIS Formbuilder
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️