Install paths - nextgis/nextgis_installer GitHub Wiki
This document about standard install path for installer files (components).
Everything are installed into NextGIS directory. User can select the directory path. Default path is C:\Program Files.
Directories structure:
+ NextGIS
|- bin
|- include
|-+ lib
|-+ ngqgis
| |- plugins
|-+ qca
| |- crypto
|-+ qt4
| |- plugins
|-+ qt5
| |-plugins
|-+ Python27
|-+ site-packages
|- numpy
|- osgeo
|-+ share
|-+ qt4
| |- translations
|-+ qt5
|- translations
Mac OS X
Everything are installed into NextGIS directory. User can select the directory path. Default path is ~/Applications.
Directories structure:
+ NextGIS
|-+ Applications
|-+ Library
|-+ Frameworks
|- QtCore.framework
|- QtGui.framework
|- QtNetwork.framework
|- QtOpenGL.framework
|- QtSql.framework
|- QtWebKit.framework
|- QtXml.framework
|- curl.framework
|- gdal.framework
|- geos.framework
|- geotiff.framework
|-+ Plugins
|- Qt4
|- Qt5
|-+ Python
|-+ 2.7
|-+ site-packages
|- numpy
|- osgeo
|-+ Translations
|- Qt4
|-+ usr
|-+ bin
|- gdalinfo
|- curl
- NextGIS/Applications - applications folder
- NextGIS/Library/Frameworks - common for all programs frameworks folder
- NextGIS/Library/Plugins - plugins folder
- NextGIS/Library/Python - python packages
- NextGIS/Library/Translations - translation files install here
- NextGIS/usr/bin - folder for console applications or symlinks to them