CodeIgniter 3 Integration Guide - newmythmedia/bay GitHub Wiki
myth:Bays CodeIgniter 3 Integration Guide
At the command line, in the project root where your composer.json file is (per
composer require 'myth/bay:1.0-beta1' // or
composer require 'myth/bay:dev-develop' // for develop branch
This will install it to your project.
Then make sure that CodeIgniter is setup to use Composer's autoloader by editing config/config.php:
$config['composer_autoload'] = 'vendor/autoload.php;
Then you need someway to instantiate the class and make it available to your views. For almost all of my projects, I have some form of setVar() method that allows me to collect data to be passed to the view, but you could do it within a standard $data array, also. Something like this in your controller's method:
$data['bay'] = new \Myth\Bay\Bay( new Myth\Bay\CI3Finder() );
$this->load->view('some_view', $data);
At this point, $bay is available in your views for you to use however you would like. See the Readme for more information.