User manuals MuhRec Viewer - neutronimaging/imagingsuite GitHub Wiki

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The Viewer

The viewer is used to inspect image data in the different imaging suite application, but also as stand alone application with drag and drop ability. This section describes the main features of the viewer.

The viewer area on the right hand side of the muhrec main window is used to display projections and reconstructed slices. If move mouse pointer to the viewer and wait shortly a tool tip message will appear. It tells you the position and intensity on position you point with the mouse. This is useful to determine threshold levels guiding algorithms like the margin detector.

The contrast and brightness can be adjusted by dragging while the right mouse button is pressed. If you pause while the right mouse button is pressed, a tool tip shows the current brightness and contrast.

A level dialog appear if you press the key 'l' when the viewer is active (you may have to left click in the viewer area). You can also mark regions in the viewer and press the Get ROI button in ROI selector connected to the viewer.

You can also obtain region statistics and histogram from a ROI if you press the key 'I'. The statistics are updated when you move or change the shape of the ROI.

The local information dialog of the viewer.

I have started to implement zoom (+ and -) and pan (press 'p'). To return from the pan mode press 'r'. This is still under development and the ROIs do not appear as expected.

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