User manuals MuhRec Installation - neutronimaging/imagingsuite GitHub Wiki

Installing MuhRec

There is currently no installer that helps you so it requires a few manual steps to get running.

  • Download the latest binaries (the date is part of the file name) for your OS here
  • Unpack the file
  • Copy (and rename) it to the location of your preference.
  • Locate the executable

Installing on Windows

  • The Muhrec executable is located in the main folder of the unzipped file.
  • It often makes sense to create a shortcut in a convenient location (main menu, desktop, etc).

There may be some problems starting under windows:

MuhRec requires the MSVC redistributable to run. These need to be installed separately to maintain their updates.

If you get the error message that

  • MSVCR110.DLL is missing. It indicates that you did not previously install the VC redistributable for Visual C++ 2012. Please download the 64-bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable from Microsoft and install.
  • MSVCR120.DLL is missing. It indicates that you did not previously install the VC redistributable for Visual C++ 2013. Please download the 64-bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable from Microsoft and install (unfortunately there is no direct link).
  • VCOMP140.DLL is missing. It indicates that you did not previously install the VC redistributable for Visual C++ 2015. Please download the 64-bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable from Microsoft and install.

These packages are also located in the repository

Installing on MacOS

The is the executable. You can place it in the /Applications folder for system wide access.

Installing on Ubuntu

The Ubuntu install is currently under revision.

  • Muhrec folder\>/muhrec is a script setting environment variables and call the application.
  • It is recommended to copy the MuhRec folder into /opt/MuhRec.
  • The file .travis.yml contains a list of packages needed to build and run muhrec on ubuntu.

Starting problems

There could be new parameters added to the configuration of each release, therefore it is recommended to start with a new project (file => new) when you update.

If start-up problems persist you have to take the long trip:

  • Delete the file CurrentRecon.xml from the folder <home folder>/.imagingtools. This can also be done from MuhRec once it is started, in this case use the menu Options->__Remove currentRecon.xml__

  • Start muhrec

  • Start a new reconstruction using the menu File -> New.

This should do the trick.