User manuals - neutronimaging/imagingsuite GitHub Wiki


Muhrec is a CT reconstruction tool providing a GUI for configuring different reconstruction tasks.

The MuhRec user manual gives you instructions how to use MuhRec and information about the processing modules.


KipTool is an image processing tool dedicated to handling neutron imaging images. The current main focus is on 3D data, volumes and time series.

The KipTool user manual gives you instructions how to use the features in the tool.

Neutron Imaging Quality Assessment

This is an application developed in collaboration with IAEA to help participants of imaging QA round robin exercises to analyse the data from different QA samples.

The NIQA user manual gives you instructions how to use the QA samples and how to analyse the data using the NIQA application.

Python bindings

A selection of classes and functions in the core and framework libraries have been ported to python. The python binding manual gives you instructions how to compile the libraries to use them with your python version.