User manual PyBindings - neutronimaging/imagingsuite GitHub Wiki

Python is becoming the state of the art scripting language in many scientific applications. We provide the ability to use a selection of the functions and classes in our core libraries.


You have to recompile the libraries with your python version before you can use the python bindings. This is done using CMake following these instructions.

Imaging algorithms

The imaging algorithms library contains a collection of classes that are mainly intended for image corrections and artefact reduction.

Currently, we have implemented the following classes:

The following classes will be implemented in the future:

  • ReferenceImageCorrection
  • TomoCenter

Advanced filters

Denoising is a very common task when working with imaging data.

To come

  • Iterated median filter

Imaging quality assessment

The QA library contains the following classes that will be implemented with python bindings.

  • BallAnalysis
  • BallAssemblyAnalysis
  • CollimationEstimator
  • ContrastSampleAnalysis
  • ProfileExtractor
  • ResolutionEstimator