RoadMap - neutronimaging/imagingsuite GitHub Wiki

Road map [Draft]

The development is organised in six-months development cycles. Each cycle should be closed with a new release. The lead developer for each task item is marked in brackets as [AK] @anderskaestner and [CC] @chiaracarminati.

Milestones according to the Technical annex

The technical annex of the inkind contribution states the following major milestones of the project.

Milestone Date
1st roadmap approved December 1, 2017
Dev. cycle 1 completed May 31, 2018
Dev. cycle 2 completed November 30, 2018
Dev. cycle 3 completed May 31, 2019
Dev. cycle 4 completed November 30, 2019
Dev. cycle 5 completed May 31, 2020
Dev. cycle 6 completed November 30, 2020
Acceptance review completed March 15, 2021
Final report April 28, 2023

These milestones are complemented by milestones related to the requirements of the projects which are provided in the document Work packages and Milestones.

Development cycle 1 [closed, Nov 2017 - May 2018]

Work done

  • Add black body correction to the reconstruction workflow.
  • User interface redesign for MuhRec.
  • Stability and bug fixes
  • Improving reconstruction performance MuhRec.
  • Transfer documentation to wiki, create first tutorial video.


M4.1: A wiki is provided as platform for user documentation.
M4.2: A concept for publishing tutorials has been developed.

Development cycle 2 [current, Jun 2018 - Nov 2018]

Planned work

  • Start working on fitting algorithms [CC]
    • Single edge analysis (position, amplitude, fitting, analyse parameters in terms of material characterisation)
    • Continue evaluation of existing tools (iBeatle and RITS)
      • Look for synergies
  • Design a flexible file handling [AK]
    • Revise current reader classes to handle different data organisation in files and folder (including hierarchies)
  • Python integration [AK]
  • Prototype design new KipTool [AK]
    • Decide application scope and name with support from stakeholders.
    • Mockup design of user interface.
    • BB module [CC]
  • Assist people form J-Park to transfer code to GitHub
  • Obtain and adapt Tremsin's pulse overlap correction code for other OS.
  • Revise image and plot viewer (lower priority) [AK]
    • Region of interest manager
    • Revise zooming
    • Add more plotting types (first priority)
    • Optionally add basic 3D rendering.
  • Improve installation procedure (installer, add CentOS) [AK]
  • Fixing open bugs/issues [AK,CC]


  • M5.1 Handling common data file formats. Including handling data with different organisation to handle higher dimensional data.
  • M5.2: Central library functionality can be used with python.

Started tasks

T2.3 Handling of regions and binning.
T2.x Redesign of analysis pipeline and UI
T3.1 Develop and evaluate tools for Bragg edge analysis.

  • Currently: Reading on Rietveld literature, working with experiment data.
  • Evaluating existing fitting tools. Install and test on data. T4.2 Provide tutorial material.
    Provide concept for large scale parallel processing.

Development cycle 3 [Dec 2018 - May 2019]

Planned work

  • Modulation techniques [AK]
    • Revise and add features to existing tools for modulation technique. Merge nGITool (Kaestner) and TaPy (Harti and Valsecchi)
    • Performance optimisation
    • Fix issues
  • Bragg edge analysis [CC]
    • Continued work on fitting algorithms for Bragg edge analysis.
    • Evaluation of fitting performance using develon experiment data
  • Start working on parallel processing and general improvement of processing speed [AK,CC]
    • Design processing schemes for clusters.
    • Identify performance hotspots.
    • Performance optimisation.
  • Evaluation of python performance.
    • User tests
  • Implementation of user interface for analysis [AK]
  • Fixing open bugs/issues [AK,CC]


  • M3.1: Different use-cases for Bragg edge analysis have been demonstrated.
  • M3.2: Analysis of nGI data using SAS-view has been demonstrated.
  • M4.3: A collection of tutorials are published online.

Development cycle 4 [Jun 2019 - Nov 2019]

Planned work

  • Develop python bindings for core functionality
    • Find binding framework
    • Implement bindings and build scripts
  • Bragg edge analysis
    • Analysis of fitted parameters [CC]
    • Performance tuning (processing speed)
    • Preparation for cluster processing
  • Advanced ROI selection
  • Testing and fixing issues
    • Performance tuning
    • User testing with new tools


  • M2.2: Image processing demonstrated.
  • M5.3: First level of Bragg edge analysis demonstrated.

Development cycle 5 [Dec 2019 - May 2020]

Planned work

  • Handover to ESS/DMSC [AK]
    • Documentation
    • Instruction
  • Fixing open issues [AK, CC]
  • Releases of MuhRec, KipTool, and Bragg edge fitting library
  • User tests [CC]


  • Code is feature complete. All planned features are implemented, but may not show the optimal performance.
  • M6.1: Installers are available as nightly builds for all supported OS.
  • M6.2 Handover to DMSC.
  • M7.1 Scientific visualisation software can be purchased.

Development cycle 6 [June 2020 - Nov 2020]

Planned work

  • Continue handover work [AK]

Acceptance review [March 2021]

Final report [April 2023]

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