Parameter file format - neutronimaging/imagingsuite GitHub Wiki

The parameter file is formatted with xml and is divided into subsections. Here the default parameter file is shown:

    <operator>Anders Kaestner</operator>
    <sample>Curse tablet</sample>
    <comment>No comment</comment>
    <dims>2048 2048</dims>
    <resolution>0.0135 0.0135</resolution>
    <roi>600 400 1700 432</roi>
    <doseroi>300 600 350 800</doseroi>
    <scanarc>0 360</scanarc>

    <dims>1100 1100 32</dims>
    <grayinterval>-1 0.728486</grayinterval>



Most of the parameters can be set with GUI. There are however some exceptions.
  • \verb++ amount of memory available for reconstruction, unit mb.
  • \verb++ number of projections to process simultaneously.
  • \verb++ max number of slices to process in one processing block.

The buffer parameters have direct impact on the reconstruction time.

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