Release procedure - neutrinolabs/xrdp GitHub Wiki

This page should help us when doing a new release.

  1. Make releases of all submodules.
  2. Update submodules in the devel branch.
  3. Bump version number in,,, wiki homepage, and xorg/X11R7.6/rdp/rdp.h in devel branch. Make sure the old version is not left in any other file.
  4. Update with the latest changes.
  5. Review and update as needed.
  6. If its a major release (0.8, 0.9, ...) checkout devel branch into a new major version branch (for example, v0.9), if its just a minor version release (for example, 0.9.2), merge devel branch into the the major version branch which is already exists.
  7. Merge version branch into master.
  8. Create an annotated gpg-signed tag (git tag -a --sign) pointing to the version branch head
  9. Make a clean checkout. Create the tarball (./bootstrap && ./configure && make distcheck).
  10. gpg-sign the tarball (gpg -u <IDENTITY> --armor --detach-sig --sign xrdp-*.tar.gz)
  11. Create a GitHub release draft choosing the annotated tag already created, upload tarballs and their signature there (xrdp-*.tar.gz, xrdp-*.tar.gz.asc).
  12. Make the release draft final
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