How to Setup and Use this Repository - neurorishika/ant_template_builder GitHub Wiki
Protocol for generating a template from cleaned confocal stacks
1. Install ANTs Software for image registration
The ANTs software can be downloaded from here, you will need to use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run the ANTs software on Windows. The ANTs software is also available on Mac and Linux.
2. Clone this repository
Make sure you have git installed on your computer. Then clone this repository by running the following command in your terminal:
git clone
3. Place the pre-processed images in the The pre-processed images should be in the .nrrd
format. NRRD stands for Nearly Raw Raster Data, and is a file format designed to store and visualize medical image data. The images should be in the same orientation. Please use Fiji to reorient the images if they are not in the same orientation. Also preferably the images should be 8-bit. This is not necessary but recommended.
4. Install poetry and build the environment
Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. To install poetry, follow the instructions here. Once poetry is installed, open a linux terminal (wsl for windows and bash for Mac/Linux) and navigate to the ant_template_builder
folder. Then run the following command to build the environment:
poetry install
5. Install PyQT5
To run the GUI for Registration, you will need to install the PyQT5 library. First, make sure all the dependencies are installed by running the following command:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install '^libxcb.*-dev' libx11-xcb-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrender-dev libxi-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libfontconfig1-dev
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6
Next open the environment by running the following command:
poetry shell
Install the PyQT5 library by running the following command:
pip install pyqt5
Run the mirroring script
If you want to generate mirrored images to include in the template, you can run the mirroring script. To run the mirroring script, run the following command in the terminal (make sure you are in the ant_template_builder
poetry run python scripts/
By default, the script will look for data (*.nrrd files) in the cleaned_data/whole_brain
folder and generate mirrored images in the same folder. You can use "--help" to see the options for the script, including the option to change the input and output folders. Also it will replace any mirrored images that already exist in the output folder unless the -skip flag is set as True.
poetry run python scripts/ --help
5. Run the resampling script
To run the resampling script, run the following command in the terminal (make sure you are in the ant_template_builder
poetry run python scripts/
By default, the target resolution is an isotropic resolution of 0.8 μm. You can use "--help" to see the options for the script, including the option to change the target resolution to a different value (potentially anisotropic). The script will generate the resampled images in the resampled_data/whole_brain
folder by default. You can use "--help" to see the options for the script, including the option to change the input and output folders.
poetry run python scripts/ --help
6. Run the asymmetrize script
The ant brain has a notable asymmetry in the medial lobe of the mushroom body. Therefore, it is recommended to use only the brains that are oriented in one direction and use the mirror reflections for the others. You can do this by having a whole_brain_metadata.csv (as in this repository) file. The metadata file must have two columns: Clean Name
and Egocentric Leaning
where the first is name of the file, and the second has values of left
or right
(or sym
(symmetric) if a determination cannot be made). The script will only mirror the brains that have left
or right
in the Egocentric Leaning
column depending on the -lr flag. Ideally, mirror and resample ALL the brains (unless disk space is an issue) and then use the script to filter it down to the brains that are oriented in one direction.
To run the asymmetrize script, run the following command in the terminal (make sure you are in the ant_template_builder
poetry run python scripts/
By default, the script will look for data (*.nrrd files) in the resampled_data/whole_brain
folder and generate asymmetrized images in the same folder. It will also backup the original images in the backup folder. You can use "--help" to see the options for the script, including the option to change the input, output and backup folders. This requires the whole_brain_metadata.csv file described above to be present and linked using the -m flag.
poetry run python scripts/ --help
OPTIONAL LEGACY FEATURE: By default, the asymmetrize script will keep the symmetric brains in their original orientation. However this can reduce the final template quality. We therefore have an additional flag -q or --quality_affine that will copy all the symmetric brains into a diff_folder which will NOT be used for creating the initial affine template, but used for the final template. This may improve the quality of the final template. If quality affine is set to True, the metadata file must also include a column called 'Skip Affine' with values of 0 or 1. If the value is 1, the brain will be skipped for affine registration. This is useful for brains that of a poor quality and should not be used for affine registration (this is excluding the symmetric brains which are automatically skipped for affine registration).
ADDITIONAL NOTE: You can also reset the folder to the original state by running the following command:
poetry run python scripts/
By default, this will fix the resampled_data/whole_brain
folder. You can use "--help" to see the options for the script, including the option to change the input folder.
poetry run python scripts/ --help
6. Run the registration script
The bash script for running the registration is in the group_registration
folder. To run the script, navigate to the group_registration
folder and run the following command:
Once the registration is complete, the final results will be in the 'results/obiroi_brain_YYYYMMDD_HHMM' folder, all intermediate information will be inside the 'affine' and 'syn' subfolders. The final template will be in the 'results/obiroi_brain_YYYYMMDD_HHMM/complete_template.nrrd' file. Note that this template will be in the same orientation and resolution as the input images. To generate videos or a higher resolution template, please see the next section.
Generate a different resolution template from a generated template
To generate a different resolution template from a generated template, you can use the
script. To run the script, navigate to the ant_template_builder
folder and run the following command:
poetry run python scripts/
By default, the script will look for the latest obiroi_brain_YYYYMMDD_HHMM folder in the results
folder and generate a template at 0.8 μm x 0.8 μm x 0.8 μm resolution in the 'final_templates' folder. You can use "--help" to see the options for the script, including the option to change the input and output folders and the target resolution.
poetry run python scripts/ --help