Build Instructions - neurodroid/cryptonite GitHub Wiki
Build Instructions
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Native code
Toolchain setup
- Get the current android ndk (
at the time of writing). - Set up a standalone toolchain:
$ cd ${HOME}/android-ndk-r10e/build/tools $ rm -rf ${HOME}/android-toolchain
- On Linux:
$ ./ --arch=arm --ndk-dir=${HOME}/android-ndk-r10e --install-dir=${HOME}/android-toolchain --platform=android-21 --system=linux-x86_64
- On Mac:
$ ./ --arch=arm --ndk-dir=${HOME}/android-ndk-r10e --install-dir=${HOME}/android-toolchain --platform=android-21 --system=darwin-x86_64
- Get the agcc wrapper scripts, and make sure they're both in your path (e.g. in
). You'll need to update them in case the NDK version has changed since your last build (e.g. from r8b to r8c).$ wget $ wget $ sudo mv agcc* /usr/local/bin $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/agcc*
- Then, get the latest Cryptonite code from the git repository.
will refer to the cryptonite source directory. It's strongly recommended to put it into${HOME}/cryptonite
at this time because some build scripts use hard-coded references to this directory (someone come up with a solution please!).
You'll need all dependencies listed below (Boost, OpenSSL, FUSE, rlog) to build EncFS and Cryptonite.
Boost is no longer required since we updated to encfs 1.8.0.
- Download and patch Boost:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/boost $ ./
- Build Boost:
$ ./
- Download OpenSSL:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/openssl $ ./
- Build OpenSSL:
$ ./
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE} $ git submodule init $ git submodule update --remote
Build FUSE:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/fuse293 $ ./
- Download rlog:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/rlog $ ./
- Build rlog:
$ ./
Get GNU sed, automake and autoreconf (which is part of the autoconf package on most systems):
On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake
On OS X:
$ sudo port install gsed autoconf automake
Download EncFS for Android:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE} $ git submodule init $ git submodule update --remote
Build EncFS:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/encfs-1.8.1 $ ./
You'll end up with a split version of the standalone encfs binary in ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite/assets/arm{-v7a}/
Cryptonite JNI
- Add the file
if you have it (contains the dropbox keys for this app). Otherwise you can do:$ ln -s ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite/jni/android_fake.h ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite/jni/android_key.h
- Build for armeabi and armeabi-v7a:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite $ ./
Cryptonite app
- Install the Android SDK for your platform.
- Download and unzip ActionBarSherlock and rename the directory to
. In Eclipse do "File -> New -> Android Project -> Create project from existing source" and select theactionbarsherlock
dir. If you have lot of errors, check if the project Java compliance is set to 1.6 (Project -> Properties -> Java Compiler). - Download the Dropbox Android SDK and put the unzipped jars (dropbox-android-sdk-x.y.z.jar, httpmime-x.y.z.jar, json_simple.jar) into the
Start a new Android project from existing code in Eclipse using ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite
as the root directory. Then go to "Configure Build Path -> Add JARs" and add Dropbox SDK jars.
If you don't have the Dropbox keys, generate fake ones:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite
$ echo "db-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" > AndroidManifest.xml.key
$ echo "db-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" > AndroidManifest.xml.key2
$ cd ..
Then, insert the keys into AndroidManifest.xml:
$ ./
Make sure that you set the compiler compliance level to 1.6 (Project settings -> Java compiler).
Alternatively, build from the command line. First, generate ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite/build.xml
if you don't have it yet (android
is located in the tools
subdirectory of the Android SDK):
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite
$ android update project --path .
The .
at the end of the line is intentional. Then, generate an Android package:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite
$ ant debug
This will produce an apk in ${CRYPTONITE}/cryptonite/bin/cryptonite-debug.apk
TrueCrypt is shipped as a standalone binary with the Cryptonite apk. It's not required for the GUI and the EncFS part to work. Conversely, you can use the TrueCrypt binary independently of the Cryptonite app.
Get the official ndk and build FUSE as described above. You won't need any of the other libraries for TrueCrypt.
- Download and patch wxWidgets:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/wx $ ./
- Build wxWidgets:
$ ./
- Get the TrueCrypt source distribution and save it under
- Extract and patch the source and get some additional header files:
$ cd ${CRYPTONITE}/tc $ ./
- Build TrueCrypt:
$ ./
The truecrypt binary will be located in ${CRYPTONITE}/tc/truecrypt-7.1a-source/Main/truecrypt
. You can push it directly to the Cryptonite app directory if you have a rooted phone:
$ adb root
$ adb push ${CRYPTONITE}/tc/truecrypt-7.1a-source/Main/truecrypt /data/data/csh.cryptonite
And then test whether it's working:
adb shell
# cd /data/data/csh.cryptonite
# ./truecrypt
This should print some usage information if everything went well.