Sign in to your Northeastern Zoom profile using your Northeastern credentials. Hint: These are the credentials you use to access your Husky/Northeastern email accounts.
Launch the zoom app on your PC. If you are already signed in with some other account, please sign out. Sign in using SSO
it will ask your company domain, please write in northeastern (the part is pre-filled).
This will take you to the northeastern login page for your northeastern credentials if you are not logged in.
if you are, it'll launch zoom with your pro account. You are now all set to use Zoom like a Pro!
After creating your profile, you can change some of the default Zoom settings for additional security precautions. On the Zoom app, you can find the Settings tab by clicking to your profile picture or initials on the top right corner of the app. Under the Profile tab, clicking on View Advanced Features will take you to the page. From there, under Meeting --> Schedule Meeting, you can enable "Only authenticated users can join meetings" and "Only authenticated users can join meetings from Web client" options.
Connect Your Gmail Account
Connect your work gmail account (the one you use for all SPIRAL related activities) to this profile by scrolling down and clicking "Calendar and Contact Integration", you will then be given an option to connect your gmail account and allow Zoom to access your calendar and contacts. (Example: if the gmail account you use for SPIRAL is [email protected], please use that, NOT your husky email)
Install this G-Cal Add On. (For Windows you can directly go here)
Go to your google calendar, make a test event and click "add conferencing". You should see the option to add zoom. When you click that it'll say log-in required, click that button and make sure on the top right that this is the northeastern profile and not your gmail.
Managing Zoom Meetings from Google Calendar
To add a zoom conference link to your event, create an event and click "add conferencing". You should see the option to add a zoom conference.
You can join an existing meeting from your google calendar by clicking on the event and clicking "Join Zoom meeting" if the meeting is zoom enabled.
Joining by Phone
If you have a poor internet connection, you can dial in via phone. Numbers and meeting ids are included in the calendar invitation.
You can dial in with "one-click" from your phone by clicking on the respective field from the google calendar event. This will dial in and enter the meeting id for you.
Once you have joined a meeting, you can merge the audio and video from within the zoom app on your desktop; this will allow you to mute yourself etc. from your computer, while still ensuring you do not lose audio of your connection is unstable.