bluejeans - neu-spiral/SPIRAL-Handbook GitHub Wiki
For Students
- Download the Bluejeans desktop app
- Optionally, install the Bluejeans mobile/tablet app on your favorite handheld device.
Join a Meeting
You can join a meeting, e.g., with meeting id 12345678
, by either:
- Going to the web address
- Entering the meeting id
directly to your Bluejeans app, or - Dialing
, and entering the meeting id12345678
followed by the#
key. If you are dialing outside the US, you can use one of the numbers listed here.
Join a Meeting from a Conference Room
To join a meeting using the room system, go to the console and:
- Select "VideoConference". Make sure that the bottom button is set also to "VideoConference" by pressing it.
- Select the dialing field. A full keyboard will appear. Type
. PressDial
- Enter the meeting id when prompted, followed by the
key. Alternately, pair the conference room with your laptop using these instructions.
For Faculty
Installation for Faculty
Follow all the installation instructions listed in the For Students section.
In addition, install the Bluejeans Chrome Browser Extension. This will make it easy to add Bluejeans meetings to Google Calendar events you create.
Go to the Northeastern bluejeans page and find out what is your personal meeting. You can do so by clicking "More info" under start my meeting.
It is also recommended that you set scheduled meetings to be "moderator-less". This will allow them to happen without your presence. To enable moderator-less meetings:
- Go to the Northeastern bluejeans page.
- Open your Account Menu in the top, right-hand, corner of the dashboard and choose Settings.
- Scroll down to Default Scheduling Options, select the Scheduled Meeting tab (NOT the My Meeting tab), and check "Start Meeting Without Moderator", and click on Save Changes.
It is NOT recommended to make your personal meeting moderator-free. In general, the rule of thumb is: make meetings you share with people outside Northeastern moderated, and ones that are internal moderator-free.
Scheduling Meetings
The easiest way to schedule meetings is through the Google Calendar Extension
If you install it successfully, you should be able to see an "Add Bluejeans Meeting" on every event you create. The default behavior is to add your personal meeting, but if you go to advanced options you can toggle between adding your personal meeting or a scheduled meeting. If configured as described here, scheduled meetings will be moderator free. As such:
- If you are having a repeated meeting with your group, add a scheduled meeting, which will be moderator free. That way the meeting can start even if you are not present (or late).
- If you are having a one-off meeting with external participants, make it moderated. You may as well use your personal meeting.
Using the app has the additional advantage that instructions are immediately added to the body of the calendar event, so participants will know how to dial in.
Alternatively, you can schedule a meeting by cutting and pasting the instructions of your personal meeting to a calendar event, or creating a scheduled meeting on Northeastern bluejeans page (moderated or not, up to you) and sharing the instructions of the meeting with participants.
Email Template
Here is a template to share with meeting participants for meeting with id 12345678. This is automatically generated if you use the Chrome extension.
Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256(US (San Jose))
+1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))
Global Numbers:
Meeting ID: 12345678
Room System: enter or
Want to test your video connection?
If the meeting is moderated, do not share the passcode with participants. You might as well create a moderator-free meeting instead.
Joining as a Moderator
To join a meeting as a participant, follow the instructions here.
If a meeting is moderated, it will not start until the moderator (presumably, you) joins. To join a moderated meeting as the moderator, you need to enter both the meeting id and the corresponding passcode. If you do not enter the passcode, you will enter as a participant.
To start your (moderated) personal meeting, an easier way is to go to the Northeastern bluejeans page and click on Start My Meeting. This is an additional way that your personal meeting differs from other moderated meetings: it is easier to start from both the website and the app (presuming you have logged in).