CSL - neu-spiral/SPIRAL-Handbook GitHub Wiki

Human Subject Protection and Research Integrity Training

Complete the Citi Program Human Subject Protection Training https://www.citiprogram.org and send certificate pdf to [email protected]. More information can be found here: https://research.northeastern.edu/hsrp/training/

CSL Google Resources

G/CSL Add this shared CSL folder to your gDrive.

CSLcalendar Add the CogSysLab atNEU calendar to your gCal using this calendar ID email address.

Using Lab Products (refer to relevant sections in the handbook for more detailed explanation)

  1. All documents are initiated in Sharelatex under the lab account and shared with coauthors from there.

  2. All code is initiated in a private repo in the NEU-SPIRAL organization account in GitHub and shared with relevant contributors from there (always give read access to team-CSL; control admin/write access appropriately).

  3. All archival information is initiated in S:/CSL under /WorkingOn and it moves up the progress chain to /Submitted and to /YEAR when it is completed/accepted etc.