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Time is a critical element to Netrium. When executing a contract via simulate
, a key parameter is the contract acquisition time. Take the following example:
import Common
contract =
(fixedFee generalFee 100)
(Market gas thm nbp)
0.67 gbp cash
[ (date 2010 12 31), (date 2011 1 1) ]
[ (date 2010 12 31), (date 2011 1 1) ]
In the above example, the following happen: at the moment of contract acquisition, the acquirer pays a 100 GBP fee. Then, at 00:00:00 on 31 December 2010, 670 GBP are paid and 1000 Therms of UK NBP Gas are received. The same for 00:00:00 on 1 January 2011.
The Syntax Tree for this contract looks like this: (direct link):
Note how the syntax tree shows the 31 December 2010 events as well as the 1 January 2011 events.
The Decision Tree clearly shows the impact of time - in this case, the contract was acquired at 00:00:00 on 01 January 2011. Netrium will simply discard any contract events which have happened in the past, as is the case with real world financial contracts. The Decision Tree looks like this: (direct link).
In order to integrate the contracts into an executing system with live contracts, it is usually required to be able to partially execute a contract. The simulation process allows us to to this by adding a second <Time>
element to the <SimulationInputs>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Time>2012-03-24 09:25:01 UTC</Time> <!-- start -->
<Time>2012-04-24 09:25:01 UTC</Time> <!-- forced end -->
Haskell's standard Date handling libraries are normally relatively complex to work with. Netrium includes a suite of methods to ease working with dates and calendars. These have been extracted and outsourced into a more general project, available on Hackage.
- Find the first, next, previous day of type (weekend, business day, working day etc.)
- Find the business day or working day n days earlier or later
- Count the number of business or working days etc in a calendar.
- Easily construct a date or date time
- Add or subtract Days, Months, Quarters & Years
- and more.