WJElement Selectors - netmail-open/wjelement GitHub Wiki
Elements within the hierarchy of a JSON document can be referenced using a path. Multiple levels of hierarchy can be referenced to find any element below the provided container. The following rules apply to any WJE functions that take a path argument.
A child may be referenced with a alpha-numeric name, or a subscript within square brackets:
Additional levels of heirarchy can be referenced by appending an additional subscript, or appending a dot and an additional alpha-numeric name:
Subscripts may contain double quoted names. Any special characters, (including .[]*?"'\) can be included by prefixing with a \.
foo["something with a \"quote\""]
Subscripts may contain single quoted names, which behave as double quoted names but also allow for * and ? wild card substitution:
Subscripts may reference an item by it's offset in an array (or object):
Negative offsets are wrapped to the end of the array (or object) meaning that [-1] references the last item.
Subscripts may reference a range of offsets by providing 2 offsets seperated by a colon:
Subscripts may reference a set of items by seperating offsets, offset, ranges, double quoted and single quoted values:
foo[2,4:6,'bar.*', "smeg"]
An empty subscript may be specified to reference all children.
A subscript of $ may be specified in actions which perform creations to reference the item after the end of an array. This allows appending to an array.
A subscript may be prefixed by an | character to indicate that the subscript is optional. The portion of the selector from the | on will be ignored if there is a match and that match has no children.
For example, if an element named foo may either be a string or an array of strings you can enumerate all values using a selector of:
A NULL path refers to the container itself.
A path may end in a condition. The condition consists of an operator and a value. The value may be a number, a double quoted string, or a single quoted string. If a single quoted string is used it may contain * and ? wild cards.
The following operators are supported for any value:
==, !=
A number value may also use the following operators:
<, >, <=, >=
foo.bar <= 3
foo.bar != 'foo*'
foo.bar != "one"
A condition may be separated from a path with a ; character.
In the following examples the object named "foo" will be returned if it has a child named "bar" that matches the condition.
foo; bar <= 3
foo; bar != 'foo*'
foo; bar != "one"