xcode_test - netguru/highway GitHub Wiki


Used to run tests in your project.


Name Description Required Type Default
clean Indicates whether build folder should be cleaned. False Bool True
code_coverage Indicates whether code coverage should be generated. False Bool -
configuration Build configuration. False String -
device The name of the simulator type you want to run tests on (e.g. 'iPhone 6') False String -
flags Build flags. False [String] []
project Your project or workspace name. True String -
scheme Scheme that should be used. True String -
skip_build Indicates whether debug build should be skipped before test build. This means that if there is a built product in DerivedData, it will use it instead of recompiling your app. False Bool False
settings Custom settings that will be used. False Hash(String) {}

Produced environment variables:

Name Description
XCODE_TEST_JSON_REPORT_PATH Contains path to the JSON report file formatted with xcpretty.


        - xcode_test:
            project: $(XCODEBUILD_PROJECT)
            scheme: $(XCODEBUILD_SCHEME)