code_sign - netguru/highway GitHub Wiki


Used for code signing.

We're using GPG to store project certificates and provisioning profiles safely in the repository.

How to

  • First of all, please make sure that you have gpg installed on your machine.
  • Next thing will be to export provisioning profiles and certificates. Please note that certificates should be locked with passphrase (the same that you will provide as a parameter).
  • Create an zip archive with exported profiles and certificates.
  • Encode the archive (gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 {file_name}.zip). Please use the same passphrase that you've used to lock certificates.
  • Save file in repository.

Other solutions

You can still use sigh and match from Fastlane by action step.


Name Description Required Type Default
path Path for the *.zip.gpg file. True String -
passphrase Passphrase to decode given file and unlock exported certificates. True String -
keychain_name Define keychain which will be used to import certificates and install provisioning profiles False String highway.keychain-db
keychain_password Password for the keychain. False String Provided passphrase will be used.


        - code_sign:
            path: ""
            passphrase: "1qazxsw2"
            keychain_name: "login.keychain-db"