Release Process - netdisco/snmp-info GitHub Wiki

1. Introduction

Any time you push code to the repo master branch, GitHub Actions will automatically build and test SNMP::Info and report to IRC if there is a problem. When you push a tag, GitHub Actions will package and release the code to CPAN.

2. Test

Check that the thing compiles and there are no ugly errors. These steps are also run by GitHub Actions on any push to the master branch:

perl Build.PL
PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 ./Build installdeps --cpan_client 'cpanm --quiet --notest'
./Build test --test_files t/ --test_files xt/

3. Tag Release

Note the push_ver script which is special to SNMP::Info
This example uses version X.XX so replace that (e.g. 3.77)
./contrib/util/push_ver X.XX
perl ./Build.PL
rm MANIFEST && ./Build manifest
./Build distmeta
./Build distclean
git commit -a -m 'release X.XX'
git tag -a -m 'version X.XX' X.XX
git push
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