Handing Assignments Rules - nesstechmcsd/mcsd2016 GitHub Wiki

How to hand in your assignments?

  • Each exercise should be in a DiFFERENT PROJECT.
  • On each class you write, you should mention your id number, your full name, and your e-mail address.
   /* 222222222
    * Israel Israeli
    * [email protected]

    using System;
    namespace Tryout
        public class Class1
  • Notice please, there is an automatic system which compares all the students' exercises to one another. Don't Cheat! The computer catch you easily.

  • Each project you hand in, you should zip the project's files, (including the *.sln, and the other resources), and name the zip file as mentioned in the assignment. In each assignment you will be instructed what name you should give the file.

  • Please give the variables and the functions some realistic names, and not x,y,z etc.