Features - nerdkitty1988/BeatUp GitHub Wiki
BeatUp Features
1. New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login
- Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
- Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
- Users can't use any features without logging in except viewing the landing page.
- Logged in users are directed to their lists page which displays their lists and a list summary.
- Logged out users are directed to the landing page.
2. Hosting on Heroku
3. Groups
- Logged in users can create groups.
- Logged in users can edit and delete groups they made.
- Logged in users can view all groups.
4. Events
- Logged in users can create non-grouped events.
- Logged in users can create group events.
- Logged in users can edit and delete events they created.
- Logged in users can view all events.
5. Search
- Logged in users can search groups and events.
- Users can view search results with links to the individual results.
6. Calendar
- Logged in users can view the calendar.
- Logged in users can click on dates on the calendar to view the events for that date.
- Logged in users can click on dates on the calendar to add an event to that date.