Install - nerc-project/regapp GitHub Wiki
Registration Application Installation
The following describes development and producton installations.
The following details installation of regapp in a development environment using minikube running on kvm2.
The general steps are
- Create a clean minikube environment
- Setup local vault (vault/safe)
- Install operators (kubectl)
- Install keycloak (kubectl)
- Install/run regapp (skaffold)
Minikube Clean Install
Stop and delete minikube
- minikube stop
- minikube delete
Restart minikube with olm, ingress and dashboard addons
- Linux - minikube start --addons olm --addons dashboard --addons ingress --driver=kvm2 --memory=6G
- minikube addons enable olm --images "UpstreamCommunityOperators=operator-framework/upstream-community-operators:latest"
- osx - minikube start --addons olm --addons dashboard --addons ingress --driver=virtualbox
- Linux - minikube start --addons olm --addons dashboard --addons ingress --driver=kvm2 --memory=6G
Configure devemopment machine hostname resolution
- Your local host and your minikube cluster VM need to be able to resolve and
- osx
- Get your cluster IP - minikube ip
- Edit your /etc/hosts file and add entries for keycloak and regapp pointing to the cluster IP
- Linux - Run command (requires sudo to bounce dnsmasq instances)
- Note: there is a bug in the config for coredns which does not handle large dns responses so we have to pin down in /etc/hosts - this is a hack and potentially confuses us later but only way to make email work locally in kube-dns...
Validate that the minkube VM resolves the addresses correctly
- minikube ssh
- ping
- ping
Spin the dashboard back up
- minikube dashboard
Configure and run local vault
- Install vault and safe software
- mkdir vault; cd vault
- Install vault and safe (self-contained) binaries
- Download vault -
- Download safe -
- Start vault
- vault server -dev -dev-listen-address=
- is important so that vault binds to all local addresses
- vault server -dev -dev-listen-address=
- Export production vault data
- Logon NERC VPN
- Login to open shift console
- get oc logon token and logon
- Retrieve vault root token (yuk...)
- oc get -n default secret vault-unseal-keys -o jsonpath='{.data.vault-root}' | base64 -d
- Validate token by visiting UI production vault
- logon with token
- Export
- port forward to vault pod from local machine
- oc port-forward -n vault vault-0 8300:8200
- create safe target
- safe target nerc-shift-1
- Authenticate
- safe auth token
- will be prompted for token - provide root token
- safe auth token
- Test
- safe get -k secret/stf
- (or something similar...)
- safe get -k secret/stf
- Export
- safe export -k secret | openssl enc -e -aes256 -out 20220128_vault_export.enc
- Note the "-k" option - cert is not trusted, uses same option as curl...
- "secret" is the name of the path that we are exporting
- Use a "good" encryption password when prompted by openssl
- safe export -k secret | openssl enc -e -aes256 -out 20220128_vault_export.enc
- port forward to vault pod from local machine
- Switch kc/oc context to minikube
- verify you are off vpn and pointed at minikube
- Import vault data
- Switch vault target for safe
- create if it does not exist
- safe target localvault
- safe target localvault
- create if it does not exist
- Authenticate safe to dev instance
- safe auth token
- Note that the root token is available in the printout in the terminal where you started vault
- safe auth token
- decrypt export into vault
- openssl enc -d -aes256 -in 20220128_vault_export.enc | safe import -
- Note: had to specify -md sha256 on mac (older version of openssl on mac defaults md5)
- openssl enc -d -aes256 -in 20220128_vault_export.enc | safe import -
- coldfront/coldfront-plugin-nese
- coldfront/django
- coldfront/coldfront-plugin-nese
- Switch vault target for safe
Clone repos
- Clone nerc-project/nerc-k8s-operators
- Clone nerc-project/mss-kecloak
- Clone nerc-project/regapp
Install operators
- Configure ExternalSecrets for local vault
- Edit - nerc-k8s-operators/k8s/overlays/local/external-secrets/nerc-shift-secrets.yaml
- Use root token copied from vault startup
- kc config use-context minikube
- kc apply -k nerc-k8s-operators/k8s/overlays/local/
- Sometimes need to run twice as ClusterSecretStore creation fails because CRD is not ready
- Wait for stabilization
- make sure external secrets and keycloak operators are running/green
Install mss-keycloak
- kc apply -k mss-keycloak/k8s/overlays/nerc-shift-1/
- wait for stabilization
- make sure keycloak-0 is running/green
- check that logs are showing complete
- kc logs -f -n keycloak keycloak-0
- Visually verify client script mods
- Find keycloak login credentials by visiting the dashboard and looking for the credential-mss-keycloak secret in the keycloak namespace
- Visit and login using credentials from secret
- Check
- cilogon idp mapping
- service account roles for realm-management
- browser flow idp redirector execution config
Install Regapp
Common steps
- Install regapp namespace (tldr; kept out of base kustonization because of default delete behavior in skaffold)
- kc apply -f regapp/kubernetes/regapp/overlays/prod/namespace.yml
- Copy regapp KeycloakClient autogenerated secret to regapp namespace
- regapp/kubernetes/regapp/base/regapp/
- Install regapp namespace (tldr; kept out of base kustonization because of default delete behavior in skaffold)
Non-skaffold deploy
- kc apply -k regapp/kubernetes/regapp/overlays/dev
Skaffold deploy
- Set docker redirection for minikube correctly
- eval $(minikube docker-env)
- Move to the regapp/kubernetes/regapp directory and execute "skaffold dev"
- Set docker redirection for minikube correctly
Install Coldfront
- Update client key in the vault
- Visit keycloak and retrieve the client key for the coldfront client
- Login to the vault and find the key secret -> coldfront -> oidc
- Set the key value OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET to the secret retrieved from keycloak
- Update keycloak admin creds in the vault
- Get keycloak admin creds
- kc get secret -n keycloak credential-mss-keycloak -o jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
- Update secret -> coldfront -> keycloak-creds
- Change value KEYCLOAK_PASS to the retrieved secret
- Get keycloak admin creds
- Install codlfront
- kc apply -k coldfront-nerc/k8s/overlays/prod/
Same steps as above but no minkube or localvault steps
Crunchydata restart hung cluster
- Information on admin tasks for crunchydata
- Find cluster name from PostgresCluster custom resource objects in the namespace for the cluster
- Add magic restart annotation to crd object
- kc patch postgrescluster/mss-keycloak-pgha -n keycloak --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"restarted":"'"$(date)"'"}}}}'
Remote minikube
- NB, after setting up, edits with new secrets and cluster ip info needs to be done every time you delete and then restart the cluster
- Things you need
- Secrets from remote minikube
- New kubeconfig file
- Ssh port forward for API server port (8443)
- Secrets
- Need to copy the following from remote in $MINIKUBE_HOME (usually ~/.minikube)
- ca.crt
- client.crt
- client.key
- Kubeconfig file
- Create new config file; use existing one (e.g. .kube/config) as guidance
- create cluster, context and user entries
- Add one additional field to new cluster entry (i.e. this entry is not in "normal" .kube/config)
- tls-server-name -> this needs to be the same as the node IP for certificate validation
- We're going to port forward so put local end as server address
- Note the remote end of the forward needs to be the cluster IP not remote's localhost
- Update local KUBECONFIG envar to make life happy (colon separated list of files to merge)
- E.g. KUBECONFIG=/home/jculbert/.kube/config:/home/jculbert/development/nerc/nerc-minikube/kube/config
- Create new config file; use existing one (e.g. .kube/config) as guidance
- Need to copy the following from remote in $MINIKUBE_HOME (usually ~/.minikube)