12. git work with remote - nephilim/js-git-kata GitHub Wiki
remote info
git remote show origin
Fetch URL: https://github.com/nephilim/temp-to-delete.git Push URL: https://github.com/nephilim/temp-to-delete.git HEAD branch: master Remote branch: master new (next fetch will store in remotes/origin) Local ref configured for 'git push': master pushes to master (up to date)
git branch -av
feature2 39d06ab feature 02 added master 9b3ad56 Initial commit remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/master 9b3ad56 Initial commit
remote + branch
- remote + branch
- track branch
- pull --rebase
new remote branch(not in local)
- git checkout -t origin/feature
- remote 브랜치를 local로 checkout
- remote에서 새로 만들어진 브랜치일 경우 git fetch 등이 선행되어야 함
- 다시 말해, .git/refs/remotes/origin에 존재해야 함(origin일 경우)
- to local feature branch
- remote 브랜치를 local로 checkout
new local branch(not in remote)
simple way
- github에 project 생성
- clone
hard way
- github에 project 생성
- local에 git 저장소 생성
- git remote add origin https://github.com/nephilim/temp-to-delete.git
group remotes
- git config remote.mygroup 'remote1 remote2 ...'
- git fetch mygroup