FAQ - neowu/core-ng-project GitHub Wiki
Why not use ORM?
From what we see, it's very hard for our developers to understand Hibernate tricks, like session lifecycle, level1/2 cache, lazy load and etc. also it's hard to translate the hibernate operations to actual SQL queries, this becomes issue when performance is crucial. we want to build thinner/plain encapsulation around JDBC,
our Repository is just syntax sugar of single table operation, it's to simplify the common use cases, and be able to tune performance in low level. also be able to control resource (db connection/transaction) precisely
Netty vs. Undertow
originally core-ng used netty to implement first prototype, then after comparing with undertow, undertow is a more concise lib and focuses on HTTP, while Netty is general network lib, with undertow, the impl is simpler and performance is similar, e.g simple JSON get request can easily achieve 40000+ req/seconds in our laptop.