Recipes - neowit/ GitHub Wiki
This page contains some examples of configurations for various frequent scenarios.
In most cases connection part (login, pass, proxy) is omitted.
For more detailed description of each parameter see ./config/
Extract all data (unconditionally) from Account and Contact objects from Production organisation
- Account fields: Id, Name, Custom_Email__c
- Contact fields: Id, FirstName, LastName
# output details
backup.objects=Account, Contact
backup.soql.Account=select Id, Name, Custom_Email__c from Account
backup.soql.Contact=select Id, FirstName, LastName from Contact
#connection details
sf.username = [email protected]
sf.password = passwordAndToken
# points to Production Org
sf.serverurl =
# for Sandbox use
Assuming the above conifg is placed in a file c:/ you can execute it like so:
java -jar --config c:/
Extract (conditionally) data from Account and Contact objects from Sandbox organisation
- Account
fields: Id, Name
condition: NumberOfEmployees > 100 and Type = 'Prospect' - Contact
fields: all fields
condition: contacts that belong to the extracted accounts
# output details
backup.objects=Account, Contact
backup.soql.Account=select Id, Name, Custom_Email__c from Account where NumberOfEmployees > 100 and Type = 'Prospect'
backup.soql.Contact=select * from Contact where Account.NumberOfEmployees > 100 and Account.Type = 'Prospect'
#connection details
sf.username = [email protected]
sf.password = passwordAndToken
# points to Production Org
# for Sandbox use
sf.serverurl =
Extract all data (unconditionally) from all objects objects from Production organisation
Note: at the time of writing (v0.3.2)
can not extract large Chatter/Content/Files (see Limitations), so in salesforce Orgs with large Chatter/Content/Files we have to use extra condition and limit size of ContentVersion records.
# output details
# workaround to avoid problems with extra large files
backup.soql.ContentVersion=select * from ContentVersion where ContentSize < 20000000
#connection details
sf.username = [email protected]
sf.password = passwordAndToken
# points to Production Org
sf.serverurl =
# for Sandbox use
Extract (incrementally) all fields from Account and Contact objects and full (non incremental) data from Opportunity object.
Incremental extract means that every time the process runs it will bring only records changed since last run.
In this scenario we introduce parameters: lastRunOutputFile and
# output details
backup.objects=Account, Contact, Opportunity
backup.soql.Opportunity=select * from Opportunity >= $Object.LastModifiedDate
#connection details
# NOTE: connection details omitted
The incremental extract example in Scenario 4 works well for integration purposes but will not work for backup purpose because extracted files (Account.csv, Contact.csv, etc) will be overwritten every time when process runs. Ideally we want to keep previously extracted files. One potential solution is to create new extract folder every time the process runs.
In this scenario we introduce shell expression.
Shell expression is valid command line expression enclosed in back-ticks
# output details
# for windows use data.exe utility from UnixUtils:
outputFolder=c:/extract/`date.exe +%Y%m%d-%H%M`
# for Linux/Unix/OSX use built in date command
#outputFolder=c:/extract/`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`
backup.objects=Account, Contact, Opportunity
backup.soql.Opportunity=select * from Opportunity >= $Object.LastModifiedDate
#connection details
# NOTE: connection details omitted
In many cases you will have several extract configuration setup against the same Org. In order to avoid duplicating connection details in each extract config you can take advantage of the fact that
supports multiple --config
parameters on the command line. If two or more configs contain the same parameter (i.e. outputFolder) then the config specified last wins.
Suppose we have 2 files:
- - contains outputFolder, backup.objects, etc
- - contains sf.username, sf.password, etc
We could run extract process like so
java -jar --config c:/ --config c:/
Suppose you have a config file describing backup/extract process and you want to run a very similar extract but change just a couple of parameters. You have two main options:
- Create yet another config and add it via --config, i.e.
... --config c:/ --config c:/
- Specify parameter value directly on the command line
In some cases a quick command line option is easier. For example, if your original process was executed via command:
java -jar --config c:/
then to add or override something (e.g. outputFolder) inside of
config file you could do something like this:
java -jar --config c:/ --outputFolder c:/extract2
Options defined on the command line will always override options defined in configuration files specified via --config
You can easily add deleted records to your export by adding IsDeleted = true
somewhere in where
Deleted records are those currently in salesforce Recycle Bin.
Example below shows config to export 3 Objects:
- Accounts (only existing ones)
- Contacts (existing and deleted)
- Opportunities (only names of deleted Opportunities)
backup.soql.Account=select * from Account
backup.soql.Contact=select * from Contact where IsDeleted = true or IsDeleted = false
backup.soql.Opportunity=select Name from Opportunity where IsDeleted = true
# output/connection details
# NOTE: output and connection details are omitted
When export config includes objects like Attachment, Document, ContentVersion it is possible to save those documents as normal files, as well as CSV data. The file name pattern is controlled by backup.extract.file
Example below shows how to make sure that document type data will be also saved as files with naming convention: <file-name>-<sfdc-record-id>.<extension>
, e.g. Screenshot-01560000000Jezo.jpg
backup.objects=Attachment, Document, ContentVersion
# if files need to be saved as real files then use backup.extract.file
# available values: $id, $name, $ext
# connection details
# NOTE: connection details are omitted
supports several hooks which can be used to execute user defined scripts. Such scripts may be useful to check log files for errors, to archive exported data, to start further processing on extracted data and so on.
Hooks allow to run user defined script at the following points in time:
- before the whole process is started (useful when more than 1 Object Type is exported)
- before each Object type extract is started
- after each Object type extract is started
- after the end of the whole process (useful when more than 1 Object Type is exported)
Each script can be executed on its own or with user defined parameters.
Regardless of whether or not user defined parameters have been specified each script will be called with several predefined parameters, see ./config/ for more details.
Following example demonstrates config with user defined global.after
script which receives 2 user defined parameters.
backup.objects=Account, Contact myextract
# connection details
# NOTE: connection details are omitted
The above mentioned config will execute
like so:
/home/user/ log_file_name.log myextract c:/export/ /full/path/to/
was not specified then the script would be called like so:
/home/user/ c:/export/ /full/path/to/