SieHabenPost - nemiah/fheME GitHub Wiki
How to use the SieHabenPost extension to see if there is mail in your hardware mailbox
You can use the SieHabenPost fheME plugin to extend the displayed control of a FHEM dummy device in order to see if there is mail in your real-life mailbox.
This is how I did the hardware part (this depends of course on your mailbox):
- Get yourself two things: Saia Miniatur-Microschalter and FS20 Funkfernbedienung S4
- Wire them together so that the micro switch sends a signal via the remote control when released.
- Put it all on your mailbox with double-sided tape, glue or a Tesa power strip.
On my mailbox it looks like this:
And it looks like this in fheME:
The software part:
- Create a device "BK1" in fheME for the S4 button which gets "pressed" when the micro switch is released.
- Create a notification which is triggered by BK1:dimup and then executes the following code:
{ fhem("set Briefkasten on");; }
- Create a dummy device "Briefkasten" which uses the extension "Briefkasten".