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Use Raspberry Pi and a barcode reader to add items to your shopping list
The Raspberry Pi is a minimal computer with all the necessary interfaces to remotely add elements to the fheME shopping list using a barcode reader.
This is what you need:
- working fheME
- Raspberry Pi
- Power supply
- Barcode reader with USB connector that acts as a keyboard (all that I've seen so far do this)
- Network connectivity (WiFi, ethernet)
- My readKeyd-application and init script
- Raspbian on a SDCard
Get started
Get your Raspbian to work and make sure you can connect via SSH. Download and edit the readKeyd.c file with a text editor and change the url parameter in line 21 to match your fheME setup. This mainly means that you have to alter the part with
Now login to your Pi via SSH and make sure the libcurl developer files are installed: sudo aptitude install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libconfig-dev
Copy the readKeyd.c file to your Raspberry and compile it with gcc -std=c99 -o readKeyd readKeyd.c -lcurl -lconfig
Do not try to compile the file on your own machine and copy the compiled file, it most certainly won't work due to different CPU architectures (x86/x86_64 != ARM).
Disconnect any keyboards/mice, connect your barcode reader and start the application sudo ./readKeyd /dev/input/event0
If you entered the fheME url correctly before compiling, you now should be able to scan an EAN code and a new entry will appear in your fheME shopping list.
Although the barcode scanner emulates a keyboard, the scanned numbers will not be displayed in the console while the application is running.
To automatically start the application after system boot copy the readKeyd-script to /etc/init.d and activate it with sudo update-rc.d readKeyd.sh defaults