Home - neilalexander/sigmavpn GitHub Wiki
SigmaVPN is a light-weight VPN solution aimed at providing easy-to-configure and secure VPN tunnels for UNIX systems.
- SigmaVPN is modular. It is very easy to create new interfaces and encryption/encoding schemes.
- SigmaVPN is slim. It's just a few hundred lines of pure C.
- SigmaVPN is easy to configure, allowing you to put settings for multiple tunnels into just one configuration file.
- Introduction: An introduction to SigmaVPN, and some basic concepts.
- Compatibility: Supported operating systems and compatibility information.
- Building: Instructions on building the latest bleeding-edge SigmaVPN from source.
- Configuration: Details about the configuration format and supported options.
- SecureTunnelHowto: A guide on creating a secure nacltai tunnel over UDP.
See also: