GWT - nehaverma8/Interview GitHub Wiki

  • What are some advantages for the Model-View-Presenter pattern?

    • Loose coupling: The presenter / controlelr are intermediatery between the model and view. This allows teh model to be developed independently from the view
    • Clear Separation of concerns:
      • UI - responsible for rendering UI components
      • Presenter / Controller : responsible for reacting to UI Events and interation with model
      • Models : stores business behavior and state management
    • Easily testable : since all major components are isolated, it is easy to write unit test cases. This is easpecialy true when the Presenter inetracts with the view using an interface.
    • Code Reuse.
  • How can you test a GWT application? GWT application can be tested using GWTTestClass. GWTTestClass is slow and hence we must try to loosely couple our application

  • Describe what a GWT generator does

  • What are some benefits of using CssResource, ImageResource, TextResource, etc.

  • Serialization and Un-serialization. What is required of a user defined class for it to be serializable?

  • Event handling. Describe how an event bus is used and implemented.

  • Describe how one module can inherit or use members from another GWT module.

  • What are the different listeners in GWT ?

  • Here is the list of listeners HistoryListener,Changes to Browser History,WindowCloseListener,WindowResizeListener,ChangeListener,ClickListener, FormHandler,FocusListener,KeyBoardListener,LoadListener,MouseListener,PopupListener,

  • ScrollListener,TableListener,TabListener,TreeListener

  • What is AsyncCallback Interface?

  • What is GWT Sever Side RemoteServiceServlet?

  • What is GWTTestCase

  • How is internationalisation done in GWT

    • Using static string binding using Constants and Messages. This is done at compile time suing property files. Its the most efficient.
    • Dynamic string internationalisation. This technique is used when you already have an existing application and using local client property is not supported. This can be done using a Dictionary class.

  • What is the difference between MVC and MVP Pattern ** MVP: *** View is more loosely coupled to the model.Presenter is responsbel for binding the model and view. *** Easier to unit test *** View and presenter mapping is one to one

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