Maven and Ivy Repository Generation - nebula-plugins/nebula-test GitHub Wiki

Generating Test Maven and Ivy Repos

More detailed information can be found on our wiki.


  • this will not check whether the dependency graph you describe is valid
  • all listed dependencies will be in the runtime scope of the generated library

Describing a Dependency Graph (String based)

Simple Library with no Dependencies

If i want to create a fake library with group: test.example, artifactName: foo, and version: 1.0.0

String myGraph = 'test.example:foo:1.0.0'

Library with One Dependency

To have test.example:foo:1.0.0 depend on the most recent version in the 1.+ series of bar:baz

String myGraph = 'test.example:foo:1.0.0 -> bar:baz:1.+'

Library with Multiple Dependencies

To have test.example:foo:1.0.0 depend on bar:baz:1.+, g:a:[1.0.0,2.0.0), and g1:a1:3.1.2

String myGraph = 'test.example:foo:1.0.0 -> bar:baz:1.+|g:a:[1.0.0,2.0.0)|g1:a1:3.1.2'

Describing a Dependency Graph (Builder based)

def builder = new DependencyGraphBuilder()

DependencyGraph graph =

Simple Library with no Dependencies

If i want to create a fake library with group: test.example, artifactName: foo, and version: 1.0.0

builder.addModule('test.example', 'foo', '1.0.0')
def module = new ModuleBuilder('test.example:foo:1.0.0').build()

Library with One Dependency

To have test.example:foo:1.0.0 depend on the most recent version in the 1.+ series of bar:baz

def module = new ModuleBuilder('test.example:foo:1.0.0').addDependency('bar:baz:1.+').build()

Library with Multiple Dependencies

To have test.example:foo:1.0.0 depend on bar:baz:1.+, g:a:[1.0.0,2.0.0), and g1:a1:3.1.2

def module = new ModuleBuilder('test.example:foo:1.0.0')

Creating the Graph

String based syntax

import nebula.test.dependencies.DependencyGraph
def graph = new DependencyGraph(['g:a:1.0.0', 'g1:a1:0.9.0 -> g:a:1.+'])
// or
def graph = new DependencyGraph('g:a:1.0.0', 'g1:a1:0.9.0 -> g:a:1.+')

Builder based syntax

import nebula.test.dependencies.DependencyGraphBuilder
import nebula.test.dependencies.ModuleBuilder

def graph = new DependencyGraphBuilder().addModule('g0:a0:0.0.1')
        .addModule('g1', 'a1', '1.0.1')
        .addModule(new ModuleBuilder('g2:a2:2.0.1').build())
        .addModule(new ModuleBuilder('g3', 'a3', '3.0.1')
                .addDependency('g5', 'a5', '5.0.1').build()

Generating A Repository


def generator = new GradleDependencyGenerator(graph)
  • ivy repos will be at: generator.ivyRepoDir
  • maven repos will be at: generator.mavenRepoDir

Code example:

import nebula.test.dependencies.GradleDependencyGenerator
def graph = new DependencyGraph(['g:a:1.0.0', 'g1:a1:0.9.0 -> g:a:1.+'])
def generator = new GradleDependencyGenerator(graph)
// or to specify directory of repos
def generator = new GradleDependencyGenerator(graph, 'build/testrepos')

To create a maven repo

File mavenrepo = generator.generateTestMavenRepo()

To create an ivy repo

File ivyrepo = generator.generateTestIvyRepo()

Create an ivy dependency with specific status

def builder = new DependencyGraphBuilder()
DependencyGraphNode module = new ModuleBuilder('bar', 'foo', '1.0.0').setStatus('snapshot').build()
def graph =

If you want to use a module with specific status as a dependency of another module you have to create it first with ModuleBuilder and then assign it as a dependency.

def builder = new DependencyGraphBuilder()
DependencyGraphNode module = new ModuleBuilder('bar', 'foo', '1.0.0').setStatus('snapshot').build()
builder.addModule(new ModuleBuilder('g1', 'a1', '1.0.1').addDependency('bar:foo:1.0.0').build())
def graph =

Create dependencies with specific targetCompatibility when using Gradle 6+ (since 7.5.0)

Gradle 6+ will publish Gradle metadata by default. When that version is used for tests DependencyGraphBuilder will create all dependencies with Gradle metadata. You can specify custom target compatibility. We set it by default to Java 8. Here is an example of how to create a dependency with a different compatibility

def graph = [
    new DependencyGraphNode(coordinate: new Coordinate(group: 'test.ivy', artifact: 'foo-final', version: '1.0.0'), status: "release", targetCompatibility: JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7),
def generator = new GradleDependencyGenerator(new DependencyGraph(nodes: graph), directory)