Syllabus - ndm736/ME433_2020 GitHub Wiki

Syllabus for 2020

Prerequisite: ME333: Introduction to Mechatronics - you will be very lost without this class

This is an advanced class in mechatronic systems prototyping, open to graduate and undergraduate students. In this course you will learn how to design, solder, and debug a printed circuit board (PCB), learn advanced digital communication protocols like SPI and I2C, create physical prototypes with a laser cutter and 3d printer, and advanced signal processing. The course will be hosten on Canvas, Github, and Youtube. An assignment or demo will likely be due in every class. Throughout the course we will build a project involving an LCD, step counting using an IMU, pulse counting, and sound recording and manipulation.

ME433 is not an open-ended quarter-long project as it has been in previous years. If you would like to pursue a project, consider an ME399 or ME499 Independent Study (which will be very successful after the skills learned in ME433.)