September 30 - ndgriffeth/Class-Notes-and-Lectures GitHub Wiki
Get together in a team of 2-3 people and decide on a PHP project that will require registration, logins, checkouts, and maintenance of data by the project.
(Preview) For Monday, October 7, create a form for registering on a Web site and save usernames and passwords of anyone who registers. Don't let anyone use the same username twice! Construct a Web interface that lets a site administrator view the usernames and passwords.
Reading: Chapter 1, PHP Crash Course
PHP and HTML code can be interleaved (or not). The following two code segments do exactly the same thing:
Your name is: <?php $name = $_POST['name']; echo $name; ?>
<?php $name = $_POST['name']; echo "Your name is: ".$name; ?>
See string1.html/string1.php and string2.html/string2.php
Strings can be strung together with the "." operator (see above).
Strings can be delimited by either single or double quotes. If a variable appears inside a string delimited by double quotes, it is evaluated. See string3.html/string3.php and string4.html/string4.php
The following PHP code is the same as above:
<?php $name = $_POST['name']; echo "Your name is: $name"; ?>
But this is not:
<?php $name = $_POST['name']; echo 'Your name is: $name'; ?>
- Variable names start with a $
- Except for variables defined inside functions, variable scope is global
- User inputs appear in arrays whose names are:
$_POST: for method="post"
$_GET: for method="get"
$_REQUEST: includes variables from both methods - The type of a variable is determined by its value and usage.
- A variable may contain the name of a variable.
- You can break out of a control structure with the "exit" statement.
- if statements are C- or Java-style
- except that there's an elseif:
if ($roomtype == "elite") { $totalcost = ELITEPRICE*$seats; } elseif ($roomtype == "regular") { $totalcost = REGULARPRICE*$seats; } elseif ($roomtype == "budget") { $totalcost = BUDGETPRICE*$seats; } else { echo "Invalid room type"; exit; }
For use of the above, see main1.php
- "while" and "do...while" loops are C- or Java-style.
- for loops are C- or Java-style.
- There is a "foreach" loop! (See Chapter 3)
echo '<p>$_POST is: </p>'; foreach($_POST as $entry) { echo "<p>$entry</p>"; }
Write html and php to duplicate the following.
Here is a Web page containing a form:
Here is the result of clicking the submit button:
Reading: Chapter 2, Storing and Retrieving Data
- Three types of file users: user (u), group (g), and other (o).
- Each type can have read permission (r), write permission (w), execute permission (x), or any combination.
- Listing files in long format (ls -l) tells you what permissions users have for the files.
- The first field, positions 2-10, summarize the security status.
- The first three are user, next three are group, last three are other.
- They appear in order r, w, x. If a permission is not granted, the letter is -.
- The second field names the user that owns the file (usually, the account that created it).
- The third field names the group of the owner.
-rw-r--r-- 1 nancyg staff 286 Sep 25 13:37 -rw-r--r--@ 1 nancyg staff 55973 Sep 24 15:52 Sept25Image1.jpg -rw-r--r--@ 1 nancyg staff 51725 Sep 24 16:33 Sept25Image2.jpg -rw-r--r--@ 1 nancyg staff 61732 Sep 24 16:56 Sept25Image3.jpg -rw-r--r--@ 1 nancyg staff 60748 Sep 24 19:25 Sept25Image4.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 nancyg staff 174 Sep 28 14:43 loop1.html -rw-r--r-- 1 nancyg staff 258 Sep 28 14:45 loop1.php
- "chmod" lets you change file permissions. Examples
- chmod o+x thisfile: let other execute the file.
- chmod g+w thatfile: let any group member write the file.
- chmod u+rwx publicfile: let the user (owner) read, write, and execute the file.
- chmod a+r worldreadable: let anyone read the file (i.e., make it world-readable).
Function: resource fopen( string $filename, string $mode)
- $filename
- Recommend putting it outside the Web document tree
- $_SERVER['$DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is the document root; to put it outside, you can create a directory in $_SERVER['$DOCUMENT_ROOT']/.. (the parent of document root).
- r: read starting from beginning of file
- w, a, or x: write (over-write), append (to end), and write (quit if file already exists)
- b or t: binary (default) or text
A problem opening a file most likely means permissions are wrong.
string fgets ( resource $handle [, int $length ] )
Reads a line, returns it in a string, from the file whose "fopen" returned $handle. (It stops at $length characters if the second argument is present.)
Other commands:
- [fgetss]( reads a line into a string, strips tags.
- [fgetcsv]( reads a line into an array, from a csv-formatted file.
- [fread]( reads the entire file into a string, given a handle (file pointer).
- [file_get_contents]( opens and reads the entire file (given the filename) into a string.
- [readfile]( opens and reads the file (given the filename), echoes it to standard out, and closes it. Example: testread1.php
- [fpassthru]( reads and outputs the file, given a handle (file pointer). Example: testread2.php
- [file]( opens and reads the file into an array (one line per array entry). Example: testread3.php
- [fgetc]( reads the file one character at a time.
When reading a line or character at a time, you need to know when to stop:
Function: bool feof ( resource $handle )
Returns true if you have reached the end of file.
int fwrite ( resource $handle , string $string [, int $length ] )
Writes the string to the file designated by $handle, up to $length bytes.
Other commands:
- [file_put_contents]( puts the entire contents of a string in a file, given the filename.
Function: bool fclose ( resource $handle )
Closes the designated file.
Write php programs similar to testread1.php, testread2.php, and testread3.php to demonstrate the differences between fgets, fgetss, and fgetcsv.
- An array is a data structure with multiple entries.
- An array can have one, two, or more dimensions.
- Array entries can be accessed by position (or positions, if multi-dimensional). Indexing is zero-based: $myarray[0] is the first element of the array.
- Regular (as opposed to ragged) multi-dimensional arrays are indexed as usual: $myarray[$i][$j]...
- You can use an array entry such as $myarray[$i] anyplace you can use a variable.
- Using loops to access an array:
for ($i=0; $i<10, $i++) { echo $myarray[$i]; }
- Associative addressing (like a dictionary in Python). Entries can be identified by keys rather than numeric indexes.
- Array initialization
- Numeric indexes: $myarray = array('a', 'b', 'c');
- Associative: $myarray = array('a'=>0, 'b'=>0, 'c'=>0);
- Range operator: $myarray = range(1,10);
- range (10, 100, 2);
- range ('a', 'z');
- range ('a', 'z', 3);
- [foreach](
foreach ($myarray as $key=>$value) { echo $key."=>".$value."<br />"; }
See testarray1.php. - [each](
$myarray = range('a', 'z'); while (list($key, $value) = each($myarray)) { echo $key." => ".$value."<br />"; }
See testarray2.php and testarray3.php.
- + (union): combine two arrays, to include all entries from both arrays. If a key of the right-hand array matches a key of the left-hand array, include only the entry from the left-hand array. See testarray4.php and testarray5.php.
- == (equals): true if the arrays have the same key/value pairs. See testarray6.php.
Write a loop that reads through a file whose handle is $fp, one line at a time, and outputs "Contains a special character" if the line contains a special character and prints "Does not contain a special character" if it does not. Each line of the file should produce a line on the output html page.
What mode do you use with fopen to:
a. Open a file for adding more information to it (without erasing any)?
b. Open a file for writing over the information in it?
c. Open a file for reading?
d. Operate on a file in a binary-safe manner? -
What does binary-safe mean when you are reading and writing files?
What read and write operations do you use to read or write one line of a file at a time? How do you create a new line in a file using php?
Write php code to initialize an array with entries:
Key | Value |
alpha | 10 |
beta | 1 |
gamma | 100 |
- Given an array $array1 with the above value and a second array $array2 with the following value:
Key | Value |
alpha | 5 |
delta | 7 |
beta | 9 |
$array3 = $array1+$array2;do?
- Here's the code we did in class to read & print a file:
<?php if (!$fp=@fopen("data", "r")) { print("Try again later"); exit; } while (!feof($fp)) { if (!$string=@fgets($fp)) { print("Read error"); exit; } list($user,$password) = explode(" ", $string); print ($user." ".$password."
"); } fclose($fp); ?>