Install - nclark-lab/RERconverge GitHub Wiki
We provide instructions below for installation on Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit), Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit), CentOS 7 (64 bit), Mac 10.13.1 (64 bit) Win 7 (64 bit), and Win 10 (64 bit). Steps 4 and 5 below are universal, regardless of system. If you meet any problem during the installation, you are welcome to create a new issue and we will help you to resolve it.
Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit), Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit) setup
- Install R
- add the following line to
.deb trusty/
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E084DAB9
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install r-base
- add the following line to
- Install dependcies for
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
- See installation instructions below
CentOS 7 (64 bit) setup
- Install R
su yum install epel-release yum install R
- Install dependcies for
su yum install openssl-devel.x86-64 yum install libcurl-devel.x86_64
- See installation instructions below
Mac setup
- Install R, Rstudio from the official website
- Install
Xcode command line tools
and appropriategfortran
based on the macOS version
- Xcode:
- If you prefer using the command line, type
xcode-select --install
in the Terminal
- If you prefer using the command line, type
- For gfortran, visit this site and download the package from the header:
- See installation instructions below
Win 7 (64 bit), Win 10 (64 bit) setup
- Install R
- Install Rtools
- add
to thePath
- See installation instructions below
Universal installation instructions
After you've done the setup for your system, all systems will have the same instructions for the R terminal:
- Install R package dependcies
devtools RColorBrewer gplots phytools ├──ape ├──maps ├──Rcpp geiger knitr RcppArmadillo weights phangorn
- Install from Github
library(devtools) install_github("nclark-lab/RERconverge")
That is all! Visit the tutorial vignette to begin using RERConverge.
[Legacy] Mac installation fixes: gfortran, docker, and binaries
These methods are pending deprecation, but we have left them here in case your installation does not go smoothly.
If you have troubles with previously installed clang
, please follow this guidance to remove old installation files:
- many thanks to @kjf319 for directing us to this great resource.
Gfortran installation
- If the universal package does not work, you can find alternate
installation files from
. You need to select the appropriate version based on your macOS and processors. - macOS may stop you from installing
. You can typesudo spctl --master-disable
in the Terminal and try to install again. After installation, you can restore your setting by typingsudo spctl --master-enable
Use the Docker image
If you have trobules with the installation and you're familiar with Docker, we provide a Docker image (Docker Hub:wem26/rerconverge) for you to use RERconverge. Also we provide a brief instruction on how to set up Docker.
Install from the binary files
You still need to install all R package dependencies separately excluding devtools
in order to make the binary work.
- Make sure your R version is at least the version under which the binary was compiled. If not, install the latest version of R.
- Install the dependent packages by executing the install GitHub function within R as below. The installation may fail to install the entire package, but dependencies will be installed.
- Download the binary from the release page.
- Open the Terminal application and change directory to that in which the binary is located. Then, execute the following command in the Terminal:
R CMD INSTALL Mac_Big_Sur_R_4.0.0.RERconverge_0.1.0.tgz
- If you find any installation/source issue, you can check Install FAQ for help. If you don't find a solution, submit an issue ticket.