Commands via Main Window - nci/drishti GitHub Wiki

Users can enter commands in the Main Window via Command Dialog. Press spacebar to bring up the command dialog panel.

* [addplight](#addplight) * [addrotation](#addrotation) * [addrotationanimation](#addrotationanimation) * [addrotationx](#addrotationx) * [addrotationy](#addrotationy) * [addrotationz](#addrotationz) * [autospin](#autospin) * [backgroundrender](#backgroundrender) * [blend](#blend) * [caption](#caption) * [clip](#clip) * [colorbar](#colorbar) * [countcells](#countcells) * [crop](#crop) * [deselectall](#deselectall) * [disablegrabpoints](#disablegrabpoints) * [disablevolumeupdates](#disablevolumeupdates) * [displace](#displace) * [dissect](#dissect) * [enablegrabpoints](#enablegrabpoints) * [enablevolumeupdates](#enablevolumeupdates) * [floatprecision](#floatprecision) * [geosteps](#geosteps) * [getangle](#getangle) * [getsurfacearea](#getsurfacearea) * [getvolume](#getvolume) * [glow](#glow) * [grid](#grid) * [image2volume](#image2volume) * [interpolatevolumes](#interpolatevolumes) * [loadbarepoints](#loadbarepoints) * [loadgrid](#loadgrid) * [loadimage](#loadimage) * [loadnetwork](#loadnetwork) * [loadpath](#loadpath) * [loadpathgroup](#loadpathgroup) * [loadply](#loadply) * [loadpoints](#loadpoints) * [loadvector](#loadvector) * [masktf](#masktf) * [mix](#mix) * [mop](#mop) * [move](#move) * [movescreenx](#movescreenx) * [movescreeny](#movescreeny) * [movescreenz](#movescreenz) * [movex](#movex) * [movey](#movey) * [movez](#movez) * [path](#path) * [point](#point) * [pointcolor](#pointcolor) * [pointsize](#pointsize) * [removebarepoints](#removebarepoints) * [removepoints](#removepoints) * [rescale](#rescale) * [resetcamera](#resetcamera) * [resetfov](#resetfov) * [resetimage](#resetimage) * [resettempdir](#resettempdir) * [reslice](#reslice) * [rotate](#rotate) * [rotatescreenx](#rotatescreenx) * [rotatescreeny](#rotatescreeny) * [rotatescreenz](#rotatescreenz) * [rotatex](#rotatex) * [rotatey](#rotatey) * [rotatez](#rotatez) * [savepath](#savepath) * [savepoints](#savepoints) * [scalebar](#scalebar) * [setfov](#setfov) * [setlod](#setlod) * [tempdir](#tempdir) * [texsizereducefraction](#texsizereducefraction) * [translate](#translate) * [translatex](#translatex) * [translatey](#translatey) * [translatez](#translatez)

### addplight Add point/string light source.

If there is a single point then a point light source is added. When multiple points are available then string light is added. A string light is nothing but multiple light sources at the nodal points on a path.

Once added the light source can be manipulated. Hover over the light source and press space bar to bring up the parameter dialog for that light source. Users can change light buffer size, light colour, shadows etc for the light source.

Press DEL while hovering over the light source to remove it.

Light sources are animatable.


### addrotation addrotation x y z a

Rotate camera by a degrees about the axis defined by vector x,y,z from its current orientation. The vector x,y,z is internally normalized.

Example :  addrotation 0.1 1.0 0.5 40


### addrotationx addrotationx a

Rotate camera by a degrees about X-axis from its current orientation.

Example :  addrotationx 30


### addrotationy addrotationy a

Rotate camera by a degrees about Y-axis from its current orientation.

Example :  addrotationy 30


### addrotationz addrotationz a

Rotate camera by a degrees about Z-axis from its current orientation.

Example :  addrotationy 30


### addrotationanimation addrotationanimation [x/y/z] [angle] [frames] Simplest way to add rotation animation to keyframe editor. Two keyframes will be added to the keyframe editor. First frame with rotation angle 0 and second frame is set at frame number [frames] with rotation angle set to [angle].

Default value for axis is x-axis, angle is 360 degrees and frames is also 360.

Examples :
addrotationanimation y 90 400


### autospin autospin [off]

When left mouse button is quickly dragged and released, model goes into auto-spin mode.

autospin off : switch off auto-spin
autospin : switch on auto-spin


### backgroundrender backgroundrender [no]

Toggle rendering to framebuffer object. Default is render to framebuffer object. By rendering to framebuffer object, the image is drawn and saved properly even when other windows overlap the render window.

When backgroundrender is switched off, regions of the render window occluded by other overlapping windows are not drawn, consequently the images may be saved with parts of overlapping windows.

When users want to save images with transparent background - set the background colour to black and switch off backgroundrender.


### blend When two points are specified a blend widget can be added. Blend allow users to blend different transfer functions within the selected region. When the blend widget is visible press spacebar while hovering on the widget to change blend parameters via a parameter dialog.

Blend can be morphed into crop/dissect/glow/displace.


### caption Opens up dialog to add caption. Once the captions are added, they can be edited, moved and animated.

Hover over a caption to activate it and press spacebar to edit text, colour and rotation. Also when activated and press "c" to specify normalised screen position for the caption - (0,0) is top left and (1,1) is bottom right corners.

Users can display text embedded with frame number - $#f, time step number in volume - $#v[0-3], interpolated values - $n(value) and dial - $d(value), within caption.

For $n(v) & $d(v), the values v will be interpolated for inbetween frames. In the case of $n, these values will be displayed as numbers, where as in the case of $d, these values will be displayed as a pie (0-360 degrees). The values for pie can be greater than 360 or less than 0 - the pie displayed will change accordingly. Caption halocolor is used as background and color is used as foreground for the pie, but these colors flip with the number of complete turns.

Dial will always be shown at the start of the text.

Example :
$4f will display frame numbers with padded 0s.
$3v0 will display time step number for volume 0.
$2v1 will display time step number for volume 1.
$d(90) will display quarter dial with halocolor as background.
$d(450) will also display quarter dial with halocolor as foreground.
"Temperature : $n(3.032)" will display "Temperature : 3.03" if "floatprecision" is set to 2.
"Temperature : $n(3.032)" will display "Temperature : 3" if "floatprecision" is set to 0.
If one keyframe has $n(val1) and subsequent keyframe has $n(val2) then the intermediate frames will have interpolated values between val1 and val2.


### clip When three points are specified a clip plane can be added.

Clip plane allow users to cull regions in the volume. When the clip plane widget is visible press spacebar while hovering on the widget to change clip plane parameters via a parameter dialog.


### colorbar Adds color legend / colormap to the display.

By default color legend will display colormap from set 0 transfer functions. Multiple color legends can be added.

The color legend can be moved around using left mouse button. It can be scaled using right mouse button.

Hover over the colorbar to select and change it.
Press 0,1,.. to change transfer function set.
Press h/v to change the style - horizontal/vertical.
Press DEL to remove it.


### countcells Count the number of isolated regions, as defined by the transfer function. Only those voxels that have opacity greater than zero according to the current transfer function will be considered for locating isolated regions.


### crop When two points are specified a crop widget can be added. Crops allow users to cull regions in the volume. When the crop widget is visible press spacebar while hovering on the widget to change crop parameters via a parameter dialog.

Crop can be morphed into dissect/blend/glow/displace.


### deselectall Deselect all selected/active points.


### disablegrabpoints Disable mouse grabbing for points. Mouse grabbing for points will remain disabled till it is switched on with "enablegrabpoints".

By default mouse grabbing is enabled for points. When there is many points, it might happen that while draggning the mouse across the screen, a point might get activated and moved around quite unintentionally. This option is to avoid that.

This option also helps in slightly increasing rendering speeds while rendering large point clouds. When mouse grabbing is enabled, before each frame is rendered, a search is performed to find any grabbable object below the current mouse position. Reducing the number of grabbable object will reduce this search time.


### disablevolumeupdates Do not upload a new texture even when subvolume is changed.

By default, texture is updated whenever subvolume is changed.


### displace When two points are specified a displace widget can be added. Displace allow users to move parts within the selected region. When the displace widget is visible press spacebar while hovering on the widget to change displace parameters via a parameter dialog.

Displace can be morphed into crop/dissect/blend/glow.


### dissect When two points are specified a dissect widget can be added. Dissect allow users to cut open regions in the volume. When the dissect widget is visible press spacebar while hovering on the widget to change dissect parameters via a parameter dialog.

Dissect can be morphed into crop/blend/glow/displace.


### enablegrabpoints Enable mouse grabbing for points. Mouse grabbing for points will remain enabled till it is switched off with "disablegrabpoints".

By default mouse grabbing is enabled for points.


### enablevolumeupdates Enable texture updates whenever subvolume is changed.

By default subvolume updates are enabled.


### floatprecision floatprecision value

Sets the precision for displaying floating point numbers - i.e. maximum number of significant digits.

Default value is 2 - i.e. 2 digits after decimal point.


### geosteps geosteps


The rendering of meshes becomes slowers when "merge with volume" is switched on in the mesh dialog. This happens because the mesh is diced up into several slabs which results in coarse level sorting of triangles in that mesh. These mesh slabs are then rendered with the volume (if available). Higher number of slabs result in slower rendering. The parameter "geosteps" controls the number of slabs that are rendered. Higher value results in lesses number of slabs (coarser sorting) and faster rendering.

Default value is 1.


### getangle Given three points calculate angle in degrees.


### getsurfacearea getsurfacearea [tag]

Calculate surface area by counting surface voxels (similar to getvolume). When getsurfacearea is supplied with tag, only those surface voxels that have the given tag value are counted.


### getvolume getvolume [tag]

Calculate volume by counting voxels that have non-zero opacity, i.e. count voxels that are shown. When getvolume is supplied with tag, only those voxels that have the given tag value are counted.


### glow When two points are specified a glow widget can be added. Glow allow users to emissive glow within the selected region. When the glow widget is visible press spacebar while hovering on the widget to change glow parameters via a parameter dialog.

Glow can be morphed into crop/dissect/blend/displace.


### grid grid columns rows

Add a grid using the selected set of points in column mahor fashion. If none of the points is selected, the grid is created using all the available points. The order of selection of points affects the grid.

Once a grid is created, points used for creating the grid are removed. The grid can be modified after it has been created - rows or columns of points can be added and removed from the grid. Individual points on the grid can be moved.


### image2volume

Save the volume rendered image seen on the screen as a 3D volume. Only the opacity part will be saved as volume.

Volumetric data is constructed by saving opacity information for each slice used to create the final rendered image. The voxel size for the generated volumetric data is decided by the stepsize (which determines the number of slices used to generate the final rendered image) and scaling of the image (ie. how close is camera to the scene).

Users can merge multiple volumes, used bricks to translate/rotate/scale parts of data. Essentially whatever you see on the screen will be saved in the 3D volume. If you have perspective camera (which is default), you will get perspective distortion in the generated volume. So if you don't want perspective distortion, then switch to orthographic camera before giving the image2volume command.


### interpolatevolumes interpolatevolumes [no|color|value]

Linearly interpolates color/voxel values between two volumes in double volume. The interpolation ratio varies between 0.0 and 1.0 : color/val = (1-frc)volume1 + frcvolume2. This ratio is automatically determined based on the frame number and the timestep number of the first volume. At keyframes this value is always 0.0.

Default is no interpolation between the volumes.


### loadbarepoints Load points from a file. These points will be shown as tiny green dots. Bare points cannot be selected and edited. They can only be removed all at once.

User will be asked for the text file name from which the points will be loaded. This file should specify number of points on a single line followed by all point coordinates with one point (i.e. 3 values) per line.

Example :
  0.5 1.0 4.0
  3.5 1.0 1.0
  2.5 1.0 4.0
  0.5 1.5 6.0

Once loaded these points cannot be edited.


### loadgrid Load grid from a file. User will be asked for the text file name from which the points will be loaded. This file must be a text file with number of points in column and row at the top followed by one point (i.e. 3 values) per line. The file may contain multiple grids, as shown in the example below. Once created a grid can be edited. ``` Example : 2 2 34.5303 20.1612 9.31844 41.9833 21.8794 4.20507 26.2442 17.2637 21.2988 35.3462 19.1446 19.023 5 3 271.732 218.195 222.585 295.348 195.691 225.244 324.001 175.675 233.581 365.62 170.704 230.079 412.551 186.984 229.766 288.938 238.488 198.753 305.034 223.429 200.204 334.305 211.594 202.559 358.957 207.566 203.925 397.39 219.637 199.611 308.406 259.479 172.502 331.812 250.454 173.442 350.776 237.703 181.048 373.104 249.167 176.439 397.585 256.729 169.862 ``` [Top](#top) *** ### loadimage Load background image from a file. User will be asked for the image file. This image will be drawn for the background instead of background color.


### loadnetwork Load network file.


### loadpath Load a path from a file. User will be asked for the text file name from which the points will be loaded. This file must be a text file with number of points at the top followed by one point (i.e. 3 values) per line. The file may contain multiple paths, as shown in the example below. Once created a path can be edited. ``` Example : 4 0.5 1.0 4.0 3.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 4.0 0.5 1.5 6.0 3 1.5 19.0 21.0 2.5 10.0 42.0 0.5 12.5 16.0 ```

Paths can also use indexed coordinates. In this case the first line should be "#indexed". The next line specifies the number of points followed by coordinates of each point on a separate line. After all the points have been specified, list point number for the individual paths on separate line.

Example :
75.9695 211.301 2.95066 
62.4697 211.301 2.98529 
82.5082 211.141 18.0185 
76.5653 210.904 40.2637 
75.5968 210.772 52.5721 
64.0969 210.772 52.6016 
74.7241 210.244 102.195 
76.5653 210.904 40.2637 
0 7
1 3
0 1 2
4 5 6 7 3


### loadpathgroup Load paths from a file. All the paths in the file are treated as a single entity. Points cannot be added or removed from a pathgroup.

Users can also load indexed paths.

More information can be found under loadpath help.


### loadply Load .ply Stanford formatted polygon file.


### loadpoints loadpoints/loadpoint Load points from a file. User will be asked for the text file name from which the points will be loaded. This file should specify number of points on a single line followed by all point coordinates with one point (i.e. 3 values) per line. ``` Example : 4 0.5 1.0 4.0 3.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 4.0 0.5 1.5 6.0 ```

Once loaded these points can be edited.


### loadvector Load vector field from a text file.

User will be asked for the text file name from which the points and vectors will be loaded. This file must be a text file with number of points at the top followed by point and vector per line. Each line must have atleast 4 values and upto 6 values. The first 3 values will be treated as position. The missing vector values will be filled with 0.

Once loaded user can assign colour gradient based on vector length.

The vectors are treated just as a special case of pathgroups.

Example :
10.5 1.0 4.0  0.0 1.0 0.0
13.5 1.0 1.0  0.3 0.5 0.0
12.5 1.0 4.0  0.0 0.8 2.0
10.5 1.5 6.0  0.4 1.3 0.7

Another example (here the missing y & z vector values will be taken as 0.0) Users can use this format for loading scatter plot data - pos and value.

10.5 1.0 4.0  0.9
13.5 1.0 1.0  0.3
12.5 1.0 4.0  1.0
10.5 1.5 6.0  0.4


### masktf masktf [tfset]

Used for creating the empty space skipping volume. This volume is used as a mask. The rendering is limited to within the non-zero regions of this mask.


### mix mix [0|1|2] [no|color|opacity|color opacity|tag|tag no]

During handling of multiple volumes, "mix" influences the rendering of volume specified by the volume number in the mix command.

The second parameter is volume number. If not specified volume 0 is assumed. Color and opacity for all volumes below the volume number are not affected - For example when volume number is 1, color and opacity for volume 0 is not affected.

Default style is "mix no" - volumes are composite in normal way.

When "color" is specified, affected volume is tinged with colors from transfer functions defined for volume numbers above it. The opacity/transparency is not modulated. Volume numbers above the affected volume are not rendered.

When "opacity" is specified, transparency for the affected volume is modulated with transparency from transfer functions defined for volume numbers above it. The color is not modulated. Volume numbers above the affected volume are not rendered.

When both "color" and "opacity" are specified both of these are modulated for the affected volume.

When "tag" is specified, affected volume is tinged with tag colors. Volume 1 voxel value is used as tag value to choose appropriate tag color.

Examples :
mix no - switch of the mixing.

mix color - modulate color for volume 0 by the colors from volumes 1,2,...

mix 1 color opacity - modulate color and opacity for volume 1 by color and opacity from volumes 2,...  Volume 0 remains unaffected.

mix tag - modulate color for volume 0 by tag colors chosen using volume 1 values.
mix tag no - turn of tagging.


### mop mop

mop [option] [parameters]

When only mop is specified, command dialog for mop will open up. More information on the following options available in mop command dialog.

Supported options :

  • average
  • carve
  • carverad
  • chessboard
  • cityblock
  • close
  • copy
  • copyfromsaved
  • copytosaved
  • dilate
  • dilateedge
  • edge
  • erode
  • fusepatch
  • histogram
  • invert
  • localmax
  • localthickness
  • masktf
  • max
  • maxvalue
  • min
  • nop
  • open
  • paint
  • rdilate
  • removepatch
  • sat0
  • sat1
  • save
  • setvalue
  • shrinkwrap
  • smoothchannel
  • swap
  • tag
  • thicken
  • update
  • xor


### move move x y z

Move camera from the current position by x,y,z units.

Example : move 50 20 20


### movescreenx movescreenx x

Move camera horizontally as seen by the viewer from the current position by x units.

Example : movescreenx 10


### movescreeny movescreeny y

Move camera vertically as seen by the viewer from the current position by x units.

Example : movescreeny 10


### movescreenz movescreenz z

Move camera in/out as seen by the viewer from the current position by z units.

Example : movescreenz 10


### movex movex x

Move camera from the current position by x,0,0 units.

Example : movex 50


### movey movey y

Move camera from the current position by 0,y,0 units.

Example : movey 50


### movez movez z

Move camera from the current position by 0,0,z units.

Example : movez 50


### path Add a path going through the selected set of points. If none of the points is selected, the path is created through all the available points. The order of selection of points affects the path.

Path consists of atleast 2 points.

Once a path is created points used for creating the path are removed. The path can be modified after it has been created - points can be added, moved and removed from the path.


### point point x y z

Add a point at the given x,y,z coordinates.

Example : point 10 20.5 123

Users can also add points by using Shift+Left click on visible region of the volume.


### pointcolor Set the point color for display. A color dialog will pop via which color can be selected.


### pointsize pointsize [size]

Set the point size for display.

Default value is 20 pixels.


### removebarepoints Remove all points that were loaded as bare points.


### removepoints removepoints [all | selected]

Removes all points or the selected set of points.

Example :
removepoints all
removepoints selected


### rescale rescale

rescale [sampling] [tag]

Similar to reslice, except the data is saved in the original orientation.

User can specify new volume size. This facility can be used to upscale as well as downscale the volumes along any of the dimensions.

The amount of sampling is governed by the sampling parameter. Default value is 1 - i.e. take every voxel. Sampling parameter can take real values - for e.g. 0.5 (upscale by factor of 2), 0.25 (upscale by factor of 4), 2.5 (downsample by factor of 2.5) etc. Values greater than 1 will result in downscaling the volume and those less than 1 will result in upscaled volume.

User will be asked to check and set new volume size. This facility can be used to upscale as well as downscale the volumes along any of the dimensions.

Applying this operation to double volumes gives the ability to perform volume calculations such as A-B, |A-B|, A+B, min(A,B), max(A,B), A*B and A/B, where A and B are voxel value/opacity of respective volumes.


### resetcamera Reset camera to examine mode. Show entire scene.


### resetfov Reset the (vertical) field of view to default value. Default value is 45 degrees.


### resetimage Reset background image. No background image will be drawn, instead the background color will be used to the fill the background.


### resettempdir tempdir/resettempdir

Set temporary directory to store temporary files created by the program. When not set (which is default), these files are stored in the directory where file resides.

Give "resettempdir" to reset temporary directory.


### reslice reslice [sampling] [tag]

Save resliced volume as defined by the current orientation. The selected subvolume is resliced along the view direction. Users can save value or opacity using this option.

The amount of sampling is governed by the sampling parameter. Default value is 1 - i.e. take every voxel. Sampling parameter can take real values - for e.g. 0.5 (upscale by factor of 2), 0.25 (upscale by factor of 4), 2.5 (downsample by factor of 2.5) etc. Values greater than 1 will result in downscaling the volume and those less than 1 will result in upscaled volume.

The tag parameter controls the tagged voxels that are saved. Default value is -1 - i.e. save all voxels whether they are tagged or not.

Applying this operation to double volumes gives the ability to perform volume calculations such as A-B, |A-B|, A+B, min(A,B), max(A,B), A*B and A/B, where A and B are voxel value/opacity of respective volumes.

Example :
reslice 2 : downsample by factor of 2, save all voxels.
reslice 2 0 : downsample by factor of 2, save only voxels that are tagged 0.
reslice 2 1 : downsample by factor of 2, save only voxels that are tagged 1.
reslice 0.5 : upsample by factor of 2, save all voxels.
reslice 0.25 : upsample by factor of 4, save all voxels.


### rotate rotate x y z a

Rotate camera by a degrees about the axis defined by vector x,y,z. The vector x,y,z is internally normalized.

Example : rotate 0.1 1.0 0.5 40


### rotatescreenx rotatescreenx a

Rotate camera by a degrees about horizontal screen axis from its current orientation.

Example : rotatescreenx 30


### rotatescreeny rotatescreeny a

Rotate camera by a degrees about vertical screen axis from its current orientation.

Example : rotatescreeny 30


### rotatescreenz rotatescreenz a

Rotate camera by a degrees about axis perpendicular to screen from its current orientation. Top

### rotatex rotatex a

Rotate camera by a degrees about X-axis.

Example : rotatex 30


### rotatey rotatey a

Rotate camera by a degrees about Y-axis.

Example : rotatey 30


### rotatez rotatez a

Rotate camera by a degrees about Z-axis.

Example : rotatez 30


### savepath Save all paths into a file. User will be asked for the text file name into which the path points will be saved. For each path this file will have number of coordinates at the top followed by point coordinates.


### savepoints Save points into a file. User will be asked for the text file name into which the points will be saved. This file will have number of points at the top followed by one point (i.e. 3 values) per line.


### scalebar scalebar [voxels/voxelunit]

Adds scale bar to the display.

Multiple scale bars can be added.

By default scalebar will display 100 voxels/voxelunits across. If the dataset has voxelunits specified in the volume information, then the number is taken in voxelunits (i.e. micron, cm, mm etc), otherwise it is taken to mean number of voxels.

The scale is correct for orthographic projection.

For perspective projection the scale is correct for the central portion of the object. In perspective projection, the object scaling will be larger for closer regions than for the away regions. Hence the scalebar displays the scale that is correct at the center of the object.

Hover over scalebar to activate it.

The scalebar can be moved around.

Press h/v to change the style - horizontal/vertical.
Press u/d/l/r to change the text position - up/down/left/right for appropriate style.
Press DEL to remove it.

Scalebars positions can be animated.

Examples :
scalebar 10 - If voxelunits are specified then the scalebar is drawn such that it shows 10 voxelunits across otherwise it will be 10 voxels across.


### setfov setfov fov

Set (vertical) field of view, fov, in degrees. Default value is 45 degrees.


### setlod setlod lod

Set the highest Level of Detail (lod) to load in hires mode. The highest level of detail is the amount of subsampling needed to fit the selected subvolume in the available texture memory. Default value is 1 (i.e. no subsampling required - load full resolution whenever possible). The program will automatically calculate level of detail that is needed taking into account the user defined limit. For e.g.

To set level 3 subsampled volume as the most detailed version : setlod 3


### tempdir tempdir/resettempdir

Set temporary directory to store temporary files created by the program. When not set (which is default), these files are stored in the directory where file resides.

Give "resettempdir" to reset temporary directory.


### texsizereducefraction texsizereducefraction frc

The volume data is loaded in 2D textures on graphics card. Sometime (seen on cards allowing 8Kx8K textures) the volume data does not get loaded properly onto the texture memory. Use this option to restrict the size of 2D textures that Drishti can use. Default value is 1.0.

Example :
To reduce texturesize by half : texsizereducefraction 0.5


### translate translate x y z

Translate camera to the x,y,z position.

Example : translate 200 250 200


### translatex translatex x

Translate camera to the x,0,0 position.

Example : translatex 200


### translatey translatey y

Translate camera to the 0,y,0 position.

Example : translatey 200


### translatez translatez z

Translate camera to the 0,0,z position.

Example : translatez 200


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️