RobotiumTests - nchaimov/android-autograder GitHub Wiki
Our Robotium Tests can test a variety of behaviors, for the ones that were deemed relevant for Prof. Fickas' class we produced some examples that are included in the repository. In order to git these tests to run it was important for our infrastructure to be able to resign the APKS that where submitted with our debug key.
In order for us to test the App Inventor generated APKs with Robotium we need to be able to get a handle on the buttons within the App. Unfortunately since App Inventor is actually a scheme interpreter rather than running android dalvik (Java) code getting at these handles is more difficult than it is with ordinary Android APKs. Fortunately Nick Chaimov figured out how to use the reflection API to traverse the object hierarchy to get a hold of the buttons and fields that might be used for testing in a given APK. See the ButtonClickerTest for more details.