EclipseTomcat - nchaimov/android-autograder GitHub Wiki

To get servlets up and running you need to first install tomcat: Get the apache-tomcat-7.0.27.tar.gz

Untar the tomcat tarball into a directory of your choosing.

Add an environment variable into your .bashrc so tomcat can be located:

export CATALINA_HOME=/home/voorhees/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/

source ~/.bashrc

Running from your tomcat directory starts the server: ./bin/

Verify that the server is running by navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser.

Then install Web development tools in Eclipse:

Help/Install new software, select Eclipse Indigo (if you are using 3.7) components, select all web development components.

Follow these instructions: (Don't bother setting up the sample servlet)

Check out the Autograder Server project.

Edit the WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml file to contain the proper paths for your environment.

A couple of gotchas:

  1. Make sure your build path works and that you have no "Problems" with your project.
  2. Add the Autograder Resource to the Tomcat server you created earlier. http://localhost:8080/Autograder/ should pull up the autograder!

To make the autograder running you need to insure that you have a robotium AVD setup. Creating one using the 'android' tool

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