User Guide: Installation - ncdulo/suppylement GitHub Wiki



Note: Other versions of these packages may very well work just fine. This is simply the package versions used for this project, and specified in requirements.txt.

  • Python 3.6
  • Pandas 1.0.0
    • Numpy 1.18.1
    • Python-dateutil 2.8.1
    • Pytz 2019.3
    • Six 1.14.0


At the moment, the only supported installation is to directly clone this repository and either run the wrapper script, or run the Python program directly. In the future pip installation is planned to be supported.

The commands laid out below will clone this repository, create a new virtual environment for Suppylement to run in, install the dependencies and display the program's help text.

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd suppylement

# Create a new virtual environment and enable it
python -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Ensure script is executable
chmod +x bin/suppylement

# Create blank data file
cp data/blank.csv data/data.csv

# To run via wrapper (recommended)
bin/suppylement --help

# To run directly
python suppylement/ --help

# If using virtual environment, to disable it when finished run:

# Link the executable to `/usr/local/bin` so that it's available in `$PATH`
sudo ln -sf /path/to/repo/bin/suppylement /usr/local/bin/suppylement

Continued in User Guide: Usage