Building - ncatlin/rgat GitHub Wiki


rgat is currently compiled with Visual Studio 2015

You will need:

Includes should look similar to this:

  • [path]\tracevis\capstone\include
  • [path]\tracevis\packages\Allegro.\build\native\include
  • [path]\tracevis\tracevis\headers
  • [path]\tracevis\Agui-master\include


  • [path]\tracevis\capstone;
  • [path]\allegro\bin;
  • [path]\allegro\lib

shlwapi.lib needs to be linked in too

The following Allegro addons need to be included: Image, Truetype Font, Primitives, Dialog, Font

Precompiled headers are disabled


This lives here

My efforts to build drgat to work on Windows 10 have failed, so it's compiled with Visual Studio 2012.

You will need

  • Dynamorio including headers and libraries from both the base directory and the ext directory