git stuff - naughtont3/techbits GitHub Wiki
Syncing a fork with upstream (using Open MPI as example)
NOTE: Assumes remotes are:
- "remotes/origin" is my fork
- "remotes/upstream" is original
NOTE: For safety I always set the upstream push as bogus.
git remote set-url upstream bogus --push
(Thanks JeffS!)
$ cd ompi/ $ git remote origin upstream $ git remote -v origin (fetch) origin (push) upstream (fetch) upstream bogus (push) $ git fetch upstream $ git checkout master $ git merge upstream/master $ git push origin master ### # NOTE: To rename the branch # git push <REMOTE-NAME> <LOCAL-BRANCH>:<REMOTE-BRANCH> # git push origin foobar-localhacks:foobar ###
Cache credentials (avoid username/password prompt) stackoverflow
git config credential.helper store git pull # Enter username/password (cached next time)
Update a forked repo (steps from
Clone your fork:
git clone [email protected]:YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORKED-REPO.git
Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:
cd into/cloned/fork-repo git remote add upstream git:// git fetch upstream
Updating your fork from original repo to keep up with their changes:
git pull upstream master
Show differences between two branches
# Color based summary (master vs. tjn-fy15-orbit branch) git diff --stat --color master..tjn-fy15-orbit
# Concise 'svn status' style summary (master vs. tjn-fy15-orbit branch) git diff --name-status master..tjn-fy15-orbit
Restore previously deleted file (e.g.,
Find the last revision that touched it
git rev-list --max-count=1 --all -- 8dd9a1c5e962ad5cc5d952aacfcef35a69e3574b
To see contents of the file in previous-1 revision (just before last touch)
git show
Checkout the last version where it occurred (then add/commit/push)
git checkout 8dd9a1c5e962ad5cc5d952aacfcef35a69e3574b~1
Selectively add changes (patch based add)
git add -p file.c
Show "remote" repos
git remote -v
Create a secondary ("alternate") remote repo
git remote add tjnalt <URL_FOR_REMOTE>
$ git add tjnalt $ git remote -v origin (fetch) origin (push) tjnalt (fetch) tjnalt (push)
Push changes to an "alternate" remote repo
git push -u tjnalt my-branch-name
Clone central repo and then track bracn in an "alt" repo
git remote add tjnalt <REPO-PATH> git remote -v git branch -a git fetch tjnalt git branch -a # See new branches of other remote git checkout -t -b tjn-new-feature-1 tjnalt/tjn-new-feature-1 # now our 'tjn-new-feature-1' branch is local and tracking upstream ('tjnalt') repo
Integration of branch changes to master branch (steps)
git checkout master git pull --rebase git checkout -b tjn-master-feature1-int git branch -a # see that we are now in integration branch 'tjn-master-featureFoo1-int' # merged our featureFoo1 branch into integration branch git merge tjn-featureFoo1
Tagging: Show tags
git tag -l
Tagging: Create a tag
git tag -a v1.4 -m "my version 1.4"
Pull-Request: Fetch a pending pull-request (PR) for local testing
git fetch origin pull/<PR#>/head:pr-<PR#>-mybranch git checkout pr-<PR#>-mybranch
Setup Name and Email for Git usage (see also:
)git config --global "John Public" git config --global "[email protected]"
Commit Signoff (requires Name/Email setup)
git commit --signoff
Commit Signoff for previously commited change (requires Name/Email setup)
git commit --amend --signoff
NOTE Results in a new commit hash (SHA#) so exercise care with
public contributions. If already pushed to remote
repository, then will require a
push. Generally should avoid force pushes on ANY publicly shared changes.
NOTE Results in a new commit hash (SHA#) so exercise care with
public contributions. If already pushed to remote
repository, then will require a
Cherry picking
git cherry-pick -b newbranch <SHA#>
- NOTE Cherry-picking changes the commit hash (SHA#), resulting in a new/different commit hash (SHA#). Therefore these are only manually identifable by commit message or close inspection of changeset. (Changes are different git commits!)
Rebasing a pull-request
git checkout pr/my-bugfix-branch git rebase -i origin/master # Now our 'bugfix' branch has been updated (interactively) to # be updated with latest master
Rebasing during pull (Fast-Forward a branch)
# Pull but fast-forward our branch's changes to tip of new changes git pull --rebase
Make default
read-only (to avoid accidentally pushing to wrong repo)git remote set-url origin bogus --push git remote -v origin (fetch) origin bogus (push) tjnalt (fetch) tjnalt (push)
Delete local branches (that are no longer at remote
repo)git remote prune origin
Related from JSquyres:
git fetch --all --prune # Jeff made this into an alias 'fap' (Fetch-all-Prune) in ~/.gitconfig
Delete remote branches from the command-line (not have to use Web to remove branch)
git push origin --delete mydev-foobar7
# -BEFORE- # git br -a # * master # remotes/origin/mydev-foobar7 # remotes/origin/master git push origin --delete mydev-foobar7 # -AFTER- # git br -a # * master # remotes/origin/master
Reword/rework commits (squashing!)
# Reword/squash last 3 commits git rebase -i HEAD~3
trackinggit checkout master git br --set-upstream-to origin
Show history for specific line(s) stackoverflow ref
- Requires Git >=1.8.4
# Show lines 110 to 110+2 of given file git blame -L 110,+2:src/mca/rmaps/base/base.h