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2.1 PRS+ Dictionary (indexed, with open dictionary format support)
?.? File Manager

Feature requests

Already Implemented

Implemented Feature Requests

In Progress


  1. Improve PDF viewing on x50, allow paging in "zoom lock" mode, "where was I" marker, allow to cut "more" of margins, etc.
  2. search for 300/505
  3. 300/505/600: Rotate screen clockwise/180 grad (impossible with js). Actually Mark Nord figured how to fix binary part.
  4. Greek keyboard
  5. "Add note" action
  6. Flashcard. (hard) I like the idea as it perfectly fits the reader purpose.
  7. Disabling standby feature via menus (easy)
  8. Persistent zoom level / changing default zoom level (already implemented for 300/505)
  9. Force saving of cache (holding current state in books etc) regularly, say once a day at resume or suspend. Also create a backup of last known working cache-files to have a backup in case of unexpected crash
  10. Graphing calculator
  11. Add "clear input" button to Virtual keyboard

Maybe, some day...

  1. Allow to select different fonts
  2. Fullscreen mode (aka "removing status bar")
  3. Reading stats (books read this year, average ppm etc)
  4. Making "hotspots" on the status bar, that can be bound to actions
  5. Song shuffle for 505
  6. Note tagging
  7. DeJaVu support
  8. Allowing fine grained menu customization
  9. Wikipedia - maybe it would be possible to convert it into PRS+ dictionary format (yet to emerge)
  10. Games: Crossword, Backgammon, Solitaire
  11. App: Stopwatch/Timer
  12. Stop page flash on page turns (the flash is used to remove the text from screen, stopping it will harden reading)
  13. Double page flash (black / white cycle) in order to minimize ghosting: a) always (every time the readers flashes the screen), b) when opening an image/photo or turning to the next photo, c) when turning a page, d) when turning a page OR after you get any pop-up menu.
  14. Extending the contextual Options-Menu (GoTo Next/Previous-Chapter, etc...)
  15. White text on black background
  16. key bindings (book): a) bookmark, b) writing notes, c) rotation landscape
  17. 950: a) landscape web browser, b) save web pages for offline access, c) have downloads through the browser go to a folder other than the root directory
  18. BrowseFolders: a) Sort by, View, Search and Orientation, accessed by the Options Button, b) Preview Mode for books on SD/MS (open book, read, close book, book not added to reader library or history), c) Search-by-filename (opens keyboard, type search term, return list of wildcard-matching files from the current folder and (optionally) subfolders), d) thumbnail mode (also for Book History), e) breadcrumb
  19. Books / Notes: sort by File Name
  20. Chess: a) Coordinates for the chess board (A-H, 1-8), b) Saving a chess party in coordinate notation
  21. Edit book metadata
  22. Modify the info view to show all metadata
  23. Option to use Calibre's "Title sort as" when sort by title.
  24. Disable Sony's "intelligent" page-breaking behaviour: make it care just about widows and orphans, but not about "trying to save in-paragraph page-breaks" (see https://groups.google.com/d/msg/prsp-support/M8EoR6AZsrw/_Fb7gPfde_wJ)
  25. Menu Customiser: customise Applications slots; integrating PRS+ applications into Applications tab
  26. Status bar: progress bar instead of page numbers (maybe even replace status bar completely?)
  27. Menus: tap page number in status bar to open "select page" popup (like when reading).
  28. Collections: creation of collections (metadata / folder based)
  29. Collections: remembering collections sort order
  30. Showing book size (kb), current page/total pages in book list view
  31. x50/600: Persistent default Font Size for all books
  32. Changing size of UI elements via settings
  33. Modify on-screen keyboard (so that common symbols like a comma don't need to be accessed through a menu; in landscape mode, allow the keyboard to take up a larger part of the screen - done except 950)
  34. Read the "Keywords" (or "Subject") fields from PDFs and use it as "Collection"
  35. If audio is playing, override PRS+ volume button keybindings.
  36. Add the date in the status bar
  37. Show a collection's books and sub-collections together (in the same node)
  38. More zoom levels for image viewers (110, 130, 150%)
  39. let user input any AutoPageTurner-Interval, for this (and some other options) create a PRS+Settings-page with numeric-keyboard, or numeric-input-fields, like used by Standard-Sony-Settings for date/time.
  40. Add stock dictionary app to keybindable actions/apps (to open dictionary in image-based PDF's)
  41. Add option to open full-dictionary with keyboard instead of "short-popUp" in case of "No entry found" (FR by chewi)
  42. Add Option to hide top-buttons in Zoom-Lock-Mode (FR by chewi)

Highly unlikely to be implemented

  1. Collection editing on 300/505/600
  2. Additional single byte encodings
  3. Shell access over USB
  4. Text to speech
  5. Scrollbar alphabet in "Folders" (it's heavy, it eats memory and CPU and battery)
  6. 950: Email client
  7. 300: Highlighting text
  8. BrowseFolders: view by author
  9. Recognizing books based on hash of the book file
  10. System: overclocking, multitasking
  11. System: 3rd party SIM cards
  12. Game: Snake (Why not? Not really suitable for e-ink screen!)
  13. Viewer: "memo page" with notes related to the book (Why not? Save Notepad Data currently collects all notes related to a particular book and stores them in a TXT file, so creating a "memo page" is not worth the effort)


  1. More than 3 zoom sizes on 300/505 (impossible in LRF viewer)
  2. Eye-fi support
  3. Standby Clock (would eat battery in several hours)
  4. Disable touchscreen (to consume less power)
  5. Fix hard line breaks (hyphenation) in "reflown" PDFs
  6. Right to left support (Hebrew / Arabic)
  7. Justified text in EPUBs on older models (300/505/600)
  8. Support for MOBI files (just use Calibre to convert to EPUB!)
  9. Increasing max hits on dictionary search (hardcoded at 100)

Support for other Sony ebook readers

Currently supported models: 300, 350, 505, 600, 650, 950.
There are no plans to support 500 / 700 / 900.
Regarding T1, we would like to support it. Note that it would not be a port, since platform has changed from Kinoma's proprietary, to Android.
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