Missing features - natowi/prs-plus GitHub Wiki
Link to the old feature request forum FEATURE REQUESTS thread
2.1 PRS+ Dictionary (indexed, with open dictionary format support)
?.? File Manager
Implemented Feature Requests
- Improve PDF viewing on x50, allow paging in "zoom lock" mode, "where was I" marker, allow to cut "more" of margins, etc.
- search for 300/505
- 300/505/600: Rotate screen clockwise/180 grad (impossible with js). Actually Mark Nord figured how to fix binary part.
- Greek keyboard
- "Add note" action
- Flashcard. (hard) I like the idea as it perfectly fits the reader purpose.
- Disabling standby feature via menus (easy)
- Persistent zoom level / changing default zoom level (already implemented for 300/505)
- Force saving of cache (holding current state in books etc) regularly, say once a day at resume or suspend. Also create a backup of last known working cache-files to have a backup in case of unexpected crash
- Graphing calculator
- Add "clear input" button to Virtual keyboard
- Allow to select different fonts
- Fullscreen mode (aka "removing status bar")
- Reading stats (books read this year, average ppm etc)
- Making "hotspots" on the status bar, that can be bound to actions
- Song shuffle for 505
- Note tagging
- DeJaVu support
- Allowing fine grained menu customization
- Wikipedia - maybe it would be possible to convert it into PRS+ dictionary format (yet to emerge)
- Games: Crossword, Backgammon, Solitaire
- App: Stopwatch/Timer
- Stop page flash on page turns (the flash is used to remove the text from screen, stopping it will harden reading)
- Double page flash (black / white cycle) in order to minimize ghosting: a) always (every time the readers flashes the screen), b) when opening an image/photo or turning to the next photo, c) when turning a page, d) when turning a page OR after you get any pop-up menu.
- Extending the contextual Options-Menu (GoTo Next/Previous-Chapter, etc...)
- White text on black background
- key bindings (book): a) bookmark, b) writing notes, c) rotation landscape
- 950: a) landscape web browser, b) save web pages for offline access, c) have downloads through the browser go to a folder other than the root directory
- BrowseFolders: a) Sort by, View, Search and Orientation, accessed by the Options Button, b) Preview Mode for books on SD/MS (open book, read, close book, book not added to reader library or history), c) Search-by-filename (opens keyboard, type search term, return list of wildcard-matching files from the current folder and (optionally) subfolders), d) thumbnail mode (also for Book History), e) breadcrumb
- Books / Notes: sort by File Name
- Chess: a) Coordinates for the chess board (A-H, 1-8), b) Saving a chess party in coordinate notation
- Edit book metadata
- Modify the info view to show all metadata
- Option to use Calibre's "Title sort as" when sort by title.
- Disable Sony's "intelligent" page-breaking behaviour: make it care just about widows and orphans, but not about "trying to save in-paragraph page-breaks" (see https://groups.google.com/d/msg/prsp-support/M8EoR6AZsrw/_Fb7gPfde_wJ)
- Menu Customiser: customise Applications slots; integrating PRS+ applications into Applications tab
- Status bar: progress bar instead of page numbers (maybe even replace status bar completely?)
- Menus: tap page number in status bar to open "select page" popup (like when reading).
- Collections: creation of collections (metadata / folder based)
- Collections: remembering collections sort order
- Showing book size (kb), current page/total pages in book list view
- x50/600: Persistent default Font Size for all books
- Changing size of UI elements via settings
- Modify on-screen keyboard (so that common symbols like a comma don't need to be accessed through a menu; in landscape mode, allow the keyboard to take up a larger part of the screen - done except 950)
- Read the "Keywords" (or "Subject") fields from PDFs and use it as "Collection"
- If audio is playing, override PRS+ volume button keybindings.
- Add the date in the status bar
- Show a collection's books and sub-collections together (in the same node)
- More zoom levels for image viewers (110, 130, 150%)
- let user input any AutoPageTurner-Interval, for this (and some other options) create a PRS+Settings-page with numeric-keyboard, or numeric-input-fields, like used by Standard-Sony-Settings for date/time.
- Add stock dictionary app to keybindable actions/apps (to open dictionary in image-based PDF's)
- Add option to open full-dictionary with keyboard instead of "short-popUp" in case of "No entry found" (FR by chewi)
- Add Option to hide top-buttons in Zoom-Lock-Mode (FR by chewi)
- Collection editing on 300/505/600
- Additional single byte encodings
- Shell access over USB
- Text to speech
- Scrollbar alphabet in "Folders" (it's heavy, it eats memory and CPU and battery)
- 950: Email client
- 300: Highlighting text
- BrowseFolders: view by author
- Recognizing books based on hash of the book file
- System: overclocking, multitasking
- System: 3rd party SIM cards
- Game: Snake (Why not? Not really suitable for e-ink screen!)
- Viewer: "memo page" with notes related to the book (Why not? Save Notepad Data currently collects all notes related to a particular book and stores them in a TXT file, so creating a "memo page" is not worth the effort)
- More than 3 zoom sizes on 300/505 (impossible in LRF viewer)
- Eye-fi support
- Standby Clock (would eat battery in several hours)
- Disable touchscreen (to consume less power)
- Fix hard line breaks (hyphenation) in "reflown" PDFs
- Right to left support (Hebrew / Arabic)
- Justified text in EPUBs on older models (300/505/600)
- Support for MOBI files (just use Calibre to convert to EPUB!)
- Increasing max hits on dictionary search (hardcoded at 100)
There are no plans to support 500 / 700 / 900.
Regarding T1, we would like to support it. Note that it would not be a port, since platform has changed from Kinoma's proprietary, to Android.