Implemented features - natowi/prs-plus GitHub Wiki

Feature Requests already implemented in PRS+

  1. French, German, Russian, Spanish localizations (1.1.0)
  2. Making screenshots
  3. Mahjong game
  4. Option to set default zoom size, limit zoom steps (to say only M & L) (1.1.0 by kravitz for 300/505)
  5. Give user a choice, what he wants to see instead of "games" node (some use images or songs more often than games) (1.1.0 by kravitz)
  6. Option to enable/disable/cycle through custom css files
  7. Book History for last read N books (1.1.0 by kravitz)
  8. Pages read per X in page index (requested by clonfsp)
  9. Allow to mark books as "read" (2.0.0, so far only for PRS-300)
  10. Load media from existing cache.xml file, but not scan the card (2.0.0)
  11. Jump to contents menu action (2.0.9alpha)
  12. Support pictures in Browse Folders (implies overriding next & previous picture). Done in 2.0.0 for x50 models.
  13. Disabling page turns via touchscreen. (2.1.x)
  14. Calendar / Events (2.0.x)
  15. x50: take 3 frontend books from the book history / allow to set those books manually (2.1.x)
  16. x50: setting / removing "new" tag (2.1.x)
  17. Support songs in Browse Folders (2.1.x)
  18. Export notes in a TXT format (2.1.x)
  19. option to set standby timeout (2.1.x)
  20. comics format support (.CBR .CBZ .CB7) (2.1.x)
  21. "Current page" numbers, shown in book list view (2.0.x)
  22. Author list (2.1.x)
  23. Calendar / event popup on standby (2.1.x)
  24. Automatic page turn (2.1.x)
  25. x50: 'Add to Collection' option (2.1.x)
  26. "Go to Previous Book" action (2.1.x)
  27. key bindings: a) no action, b) open "More" node, c) open system nodes (like Collections, Periodicals, Notes, Handwritings, Audio...) (2.1.x)
  28. key bindings (audio) : a) play/pause (2.1.x)
  29. Volume increment can be changed (2.1.x)
  30. Clear page histories and/or dictionary histories on shutdown (2.1.x)
  31. Mark all books as read/unread (2.1.x)
  32. Making contrast changes permanent; default contrast setting (2.1.x)
  33. Stop page flash on dictionary popup close (2.1.x)
  34. Enable access to parent levels in nested TOCs (2.1.x)
  35. Unlimited sub-collection levels & custom separator (2.1.x)
  36. Actions (600/x50): Toggle Notes Toolbar; goto various nodes: Periodicals, Text Memos, Handwritings (2.1.x)
  37. Actions (all): Delete Current Item; Pause/Play Audio; no action; goto various nodes: Games, Pictures, Collections and More (2.1.x)
  38. Interactive Fiction App - uses Frotz and Nitfol (2.1.x)
  39. A-Z navbar in AuthorList & sub-collections (2.1.x)
  40. Keeping track of which dictionary was used with which book (2.1.x)
  41. Saving the content of highlights to a TXT file (2.1.x)
  42. Standby: Picture in picture (show book cover in corner, while displaying standard image) (2.1.x)
  43. Extending the contextual Options-Menu (Change-EPUB-userStyle and reformat LRF books) (2.1.x)
  44. Chess: Changed the AI engine. It now uses Toga II v1.3.1 (and includes user-alterable performance.bin file)
  45. Chess: added 'Play As Black' mode (black pieces at bottom, white pieces at top of screen)
  46. Compose a CSS direct on the reader by combining separate font / margin / line definitions into one CSS (2.1.x)
  47. Modify on-screen keyboard (so that common symbols like a comma don't need to be accessed through a menu; in landscape mode, allow the keyboard to take up a larger part of the screen - done except 950)