FSK_Test_Enviro - natowi/prs-plus GitHub Wiki
With this Sim, based on the "Sony® Reader (PRS-505) System Update", it is possible to run (test and develop) Autorun-Applications for Sony-PRS-eReader in a Windows-Environment.
Project started as FSK Test-Environment for Autorun Applications under MS-Windows (short: Sim) tread on www.mobileread.com/forums/
- Windows OS capable to run the original Sony-Firmware-Updater
- a vertical screen-resulution equal or better then 1024 px.
- a special skin for use with displays with at least 800 lines is provided
Clone the repository apps to any local folder and run "FSK Starter.exe" to start the Sim.
Three (3) batch-files are provided to start with the desired resolution.
Use KILL-FSK.BAT to cancel the program if it does not start up after a change in *
.XML or *
.JS code.
Use the system-menu to access about- and help-dialoge, and change the skin from PRS-505 to PRS600/x50
Buttons (on the skin) can be clicked with the mouse.
Left-Click = simple push
Right-Click = push and hold
PC-keyboard could be used for normal key-press (0-9, arrow-keys, PgUp, PgDown: Prev/next, enter/return: Center and ESC: Menu)
PC-keyboard ALT + key for "hold"
Left-Mouse-Click on the simulated Screen = tap