Changelog - natowi/prs-plus GitHub Wiki
- ALL: Added scaling option to Standby Image
- x50: Updated translations
- x50: Fixed Issue #244 "books deleted using PC do not dissapear if scanning is "disabled (load cache)""
- ALL: Fixed missing translation
- 600: Fixed Issue #237 Menu Customization is buggy
- ALL: Fixed Issue #234 "Mah Jong reports "no more moves" when moves are still available"
- ALL: Minor translation fixes (RUS, TUR)
- ALL: StandbyImage: Fix for scaling bug in Sony code
- 300/505/600: Added $a0 (no wrap space) to fonts (to be added to x50 in 2.1.x)
- ALL: Fixed #171 "The "Copy to IM..." menu items are not present in Card via Mount, if card scanning is not disabled"
- ALL: Fixed bug that prevented SD/MS card scan mode from being changed on the fly
- ALL: Fixed #214 MSG_COPYING_BOOK not translated
- ALL: EPUB Css styles are now sorted
- ALL: Fixes #215 fb2epub converter doesn't work with cards with disabled scanning
- 350/650: Improved Dutch translation (drMerry)
- 350/650: Fixed "Continue searching from the begining doesn't work" (Sony bug)
- 350/650: Added 1-Column Split (quisvir)
- x50: "Cycle booklist" action now also cycles through collections (quisvir)
- x50: Added option to treat periodicals as books (quisvir)
- x50: Fixed #211 that caused SD/MS card scan options to be ignored on the first boot
- 600/x50: Added Page Turn by Single Tap (quisvir)
- 600/x50: Close reading popup menu (dict etc) and cancel selection by tapping page (quisvir)
- 600/x50: Fixed #207 Collection sorting broken for Cyrillic
- 600: Fixed #197 "SD/MS card via mount" doesn't handle non-latin characters
- 600: Added keyCodes and Hold keyCodes to key bindings
- 600: Fonts updated to the latest version
- 600: Added Turkish translation
- 600: Changed "holding option button" default action to do "go to parent view"
- 600: Shifted games to the bottom of "More" list
- x50: Fixed #128 books/collections sorting
- x50: Fixed "Coming back to Home from an other menu takes long"
- 300/500: Fixed CoverPage as StandbyImage, fixed problem with next page after sleepmode
- ALL: BrowseFolder patched with Shura1oplots FileSize in Comment & added FileType
- ALL: Fixed russian localisation of "No Book, 1 Book, x Books"
- 505: Fixed #126 "images/audio lists are empty"
- 505: Fixed #139 "Menu customizer values are not translated"
- 505: Fixed #150 "Some options in the setup menu are not translated" needs reflash! not working with beta-pack on SD-Card
- 505: Added #39 "Hold joypad arrows events"
- x50: Fixed #120 "No keyboard in SP-EN dictionary"
- x50: Enabled "half-page-mask" in landscape mode (like PRS-505), added option to set PDF-border-color to white
- x50: Added option to preset custom Contrast and Brightness values (quisvir)
- x50: Added option to toggle NEW-flag manually, hide standard collections and show reading-progress in home menu and thumbnail views (quisvir)
- x50: Added Home Menu Booklist customization (quisvir)
- 600/x50: Games moved into Games node
- 600/x50: Added various Touch-Screen related options (disable dictionary and page-turn-gestures)
- 600/x50: Enabled panning while ZoomLocked (quisvir)
- ALL: Fonts: Added Korean alphabet (3131-314E unicode range), updated Czech d t l L letters, added up/down arrows
- ALL: Added #70 "Make node containers accessible via menu customizer"
- ALL: Added #24 "Displaying first page of the book on standby"
- ALL: Screenshot: captured image is now visible to the user, not only to the system :)
- ALL: BrowseFolders: added optional ".." item (by Shura1oplot)
- ALL: Action are now grouped and have icons (by Shura1oplot)
- ALL: New icons for utils and games (by surquizu, Shura1oplot, ?)
- ALL: Updated existing games (Chess now comes with puzzles)
- ALL: Added MineSweeper (by Mark Nord), Draughts, XO-Cubed and Solitaire (by Ben Chenoweth)
- ALL: Added Calendar app (by Ben Chenoweth)
- All: Added various "Standby" options (display book cover, last screen) (by Mark Nord)
- 505: Fixed German translation
- ALL: Fixed Courier font name
- ALL:
Sudoku can be exited by pressing home button(not in 950, maybe other models) - 350/650: Fixed custom CSS path
- 300: Fixed broken XML in Spanish translation
- 300: Added Ukrainian localization by Bookoman
- 300/505: Fixed "actions do not work"
- 300/505: Added French localization by sengian (installer)
- 300/505: Fixed bug related to "Skip book menu" option
- 505: Restored localizations
- 505: Restored 1.1.3 menu layout with "Multimedia"
- 600: Added Portuguese localization by OTNeto
- 600: Added Czech localization by milanv
- 600/x50: Fixed keyboard: "aaaa" is shown instead of ascented (popup) letters
- 600/x50: TextScale addon was included
- x50: Reduced statusbar index / clock font size, moved "playing" indicator to the left
- x50: Fixed "Periodicals"
- x50: Fixed sorting in "books" for non latin alphabets
- 950: Added GMT+10 timezone
- ALL: Screenshot: captured image is now immediatelly visible to the system
- ALL: Folders: Added option to disable scanning without loading cache (as it was in 1.1.3)
- ALL: Folders: Added "via mount" card access (uses Linux "mount" command instead of mtools like buggy utility)
- ALL: Added "LRF Text Scale" addon that allows to customize zoom levels
- x50: Fixed doRotate action
- x50: Fixed #68 x50: Deleting books opened via Book History is bugged
- x50: Fixed #66 x50: Collection editing broken, if collection node is not in the 4th slot
- x50: Periodicals node no longer "unmovable", replaced with "Browse Folders" by default
- x50: Added Belorussian / Ukranian chars (as popups) to keyboard
- x50: Added rotate by 0 / 90 / 180 / 270 / clock wise / counter clock wize actions
- 600: Added rotate by 90 action
- 600: Added Belorussian / Ukranian chars (as popups) to keyboard
- 600: Added #47&48 Spanish (by ?) & Catalan (by Alex Castrillo) localizations
- 300/505: Added Dictionary (by Clemenseken, lysak, m-land, Mark Nord)
- 300: Added #57 Spanish localization (by Carlos)
- 300: Fixed #63 author/title sort in 2.0.5alpha not working (patch by [email protected])
- ALL: Added
- Calculator by Mark Nord
- Chess by Ben Chenoweth / Stefano Gioffre
- Five in a Row by Ben Chenoweth
- Five Balls by Clemenseken
- Free Cell by Ben Chenoweth
- Mahjong by Clemenseken
- Sudoku by Obelix
- ALL: Integrated fb2toepub converter (by Alexey Bobkov)
- ALL: Added sample folders.cfg / EPUB css file that references LRF fonts
- 300/505: PRPInstaller folder is deleted automatically after reboot (no need to reboot multiple times to delete it)
- 350/650/950: Created "all in one" installer (Windows only)
- x50: Fixed "Holding option /zoom buttons should call "Go Back in Menus" and "Search" respectively"
- 350/650: Fixed "Text Memo open => press root => reboot"
- x50: Fixed ""more" node doesn't have parent if not visible"
- ALL: Fixed "BrowseFolders view not refreshing on settings change, if there is a book open via BrowseFolders"
- x50: "Fixed Page index in book is not updated when book is opened"
- ALL: Implemented "goto TOC, doOption, doSearch, doRotate, doMenu, doSize, doRoot actions"
- x50: Implemented "Russian phonetic keyboard (original keyboard xml by boroda)"
- x50: Implemented "Latin-English and Latin-Georgian scrollbars"
- ALL: Added Core.config.userCSSFile support (instead of hardcoded style.css)
- 650/350: Ported to 650 (tested) and 350 (should work :))
- Implemented #? possibility to download files using web browser
- ALL: Implemented # sort by filename, showing filename as comment
- ALL: "Fixed #34 MenuCustomizer should put unassigned nodes into default one"
- ALL: Implemented #55 "'Jump to Folders' action"
- ALL: Fixed #64 "Wrong german translation file"
- 300: Fixed "next/prev" page actions consuming "goto page" key events
- 600,x50: Added "books" scrollbar customization feature
- 600: BrowseFolders will apear in "more", if not shown on the main page.
- 300: Fixed sort by title (Russian locale)
ALL: Updated "about prs+"
ALL: Added Russian translation fixes by happyhgy
ALL: implemented #16 "88.1% (add decimal) in statusbar"
ALL: Fixed #36 (wrong Courier font name)
ALL: Fixed #17 "clock is not updated when going from standby"
600: Temporary fix for #42
600: Added Georgian keyboard (ergonomic)
600: Fixed #28 "Stand-by image should be independent of screen orientation" (added landscape subfolder support, as there is no way to rotate the image"
600: Fixed #41 "PRS+ Firmware version number missing on About page"
600: Fixed #14 " by author/title sorting doesn't work for non latin chars"
600: Implemented #26 Chinese localization
600: Implemented #29 Italian localizaiton
600: Fixed #23 (Calc not working)
600: Added Georgian translation (by rawerfas)
600: Implemented: #31 "Use Volume buttons to move through history"
600: Fixed #37 " in IM is not called"
300: Fixed DicitonaryCL
300: Fixed #14 " **by author/title sorting doesn't work for non latin chars"
300: Added Georgian translation (by rawerfas)
300: Fixed #13 "back/fordward history actions do not work"
300: Implemented #20 "bind default "hold numeric button" actions"
300: First digit is ignored, if it is zero, when opening "goto" dialog
300: Fixed "next/prev" page actions consuming "goto page" key events**
- 600: added standby "wallpaper" feature (randomly showing /database/system/PRSPlus/wallpaper on standby)
- 600: added option to open books directly from MS/SD card, with disabled scanning
- 300: Added "hold" events (researched by Mark Nord, implemented by kravitz)
- 300: Fixed BH bug (list of books wasn't correctly updated)
- 300: #Added libfskload
- 300: Added Italian localization
- 300: Improved installer to support common 18060 firmware
- Big part of PRS+ code rewritten from scratch to simplify porting to new devices
- Current version only supports 300
- Minor bugfixes (not worth updating from 1.1.2rc unless you delete books from collections all day long).
- Bugfixes
- Added Simplified Chinese translation by thawk
- Amended most translations.
- Changed BookHistory to immediately open books instead of showing book menu. Renamed corresponding action from ContinueReading to BookHistory (as a result, old key binding to ContinueReading won't work until reassigned)
- Fixed all known bugs (Dictionary path, EPUB zoom, PageIndex's ppm/time left)
- Localization
- Catalan by surquizu
- Czech by Hobogen
- Deutsch by Duglum & klawong & Mark Nord
- English
- French by Duglum & VICTORSJG
- ქართულ� by kartu
- Spanish by VICTORSJG & surquizu
- page per minute / remaining time settings for PageIndex
- dictionary by Clemenseken & Lisac (to use it, put your dictionary files int /database/system/PRSPlus/dictionary. Dictionary files MUST have "dic" extension)
- Book History by kravitz
- option to set default zoom size, limit available zoom steps by kravitz
- Main menu customization by kravitz
- Introduced "safe mode", if reader is connected to USB during startup, PRS+ does not load.
- PRS+ settings moved to /opt0, PRS+ addons and core are now built into firmware
- Added EpubUserStyle addon that allows to switch between files with .css extension located in /database/system/PRSPlus/epub folder
- Added TextEncoding addon, that allows to switch between Latin1 / win1521 encodings in text/rtf files.
- Added mount/umount feature to BrowseFolders (experimental). SD cards with folder structure of any complexity should now be accessible. Mounting and unmounting takes roughtly half a second.
- Removed obsolete samples
- Support for switching between win1251/Latin1 txt/rtf file encodings
- Removed call from SD card, added . call to /database/system/PRSPlus/ (located in Internal Memory)
- Added porkupan's (aka boroda) "is usb connected"check, if reader is connected via USB during startup, neither is called, nor LD_PRELOAD is set.
- Added chinese and Russian shell script samples
- Added VICTORSJG's "menu index"
- Fixed missing string problem for next/previous song actions.
- Fixed NaN problem in epubs page index
- Fixed call to
- Added settings to disable usage of "titleSorter" field. (useful in case someone has half-balked LRFs)
- Added thawk's titleSorter support (titleSorter is an invisible field in LRF files that is used for sorting)
- Added next/previous song actions by KrzyInuYasha
- Added PRS+ version info to ABOUT
- Fixed problem with screenshot confirmation message (it wasn't disappearing in some cases)
- Fixed problem with "doCenter" like keys, caused by multiple keys being bound to a single function.
- Fixed epub page number bug
- Added win1251 to UTF-8 (cyrillic only) so file) (for "export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/sony/ebook/application/" hack)
- Added call to /Data/database/system/PRSPlus/ file to startup shell script.
- Added igorsk's to /opt/sony/ebook/application folder, with corresponding prspVm.xml file (used by dictionary and similiar apps)
- Fixed problem with "doCenter" like keys, caused by multiple keys being bound to a single function.
- Fixed problem with screenshot confirmation message (it wasn't disappearing in case image was saved to internal memory)