Home - natowi/prs-plus GitHub Wiki

The original prs-plus project page on code.google.com is in archive mode.

prs-plus is also mirrored on github by: https://github.com/spvkgn/prs-plus https://github.com/ARR8/prs-plus-505extras https://github.com/retrography/prs-plus.v2-0 https://github.com/kurnevsky/prs-plus

Here you can find the wiki help, files and sources. There might be some broken/outdated links and infos.

Installers for PRS+ can be downloaded as zip from /prs-plus/downloads

PAUSED Project

Planned date for the next release: on hold atm

Regarding custom dictionary support

2012-12-16 First alpha version of PRS+ dictionary is out (2.1.02a) for 650 & 350.

How to use it:

Use xdxf to PRS+ converter to create prspdict files. (available in download section).
Use makedict (from xdxf (dictionary exchange) project) to convert from many formats into xdxf visual format.

Released alpha version of PRS+ Dictionary is still work in progress, but already quite functional. What's missing at the moment (most notably =)):

  1. transcription chars in fonts
  2. ability to click on a word in results list shown when no exact match is found
  3. word matching currently doesn't take grammar into account
  4. words can only be selected in text, no way to use keyboard yet

As with old dictionary, prspdict dictionary files are to be put into:

/database/system/PRSPlus/dictionary folder in internal memory.

Regarding elusive battery discharge problem

Please note that with PRS+ your reader should have roughly the same battery life as with stock firmware. (except if you play games, AI "thinking" eats quite a bit of power) If your reader is discharging much faster, in case it happened right after installing, try to soft reset it. If problem persists or if you can repeatedly get reader into "high battery drain" state, please let us know.

Known bugs in 2.0 release

Games and apps are unstable (it's particularly bad on 950). This would not be fixed at least until 2.1.x release. (dicitonary support has higher priority than fixing this bug).
Please check other defects in issues list

<a href='Hidden comment:

  • ALL: This isn"t a bug actually: LRFTextScale is NOT compatible with Reader Library. On top of it, it WON"T correctly work with books that were open PRIOR to changing LRF scale. On top of it it would probably WIPE your notes possibly not only in LRF books if you change scale settings! Don"t change LRF Text Scale settings unless you are absolutely sure what you"re doing!

Unknown end tag for



2012-12-16 First alpha version of PRS+ dictionary is out (2.1.02a) for 650 & 350.
2012.02.26 2.1.01 alpha is out for all supported models see changelog and what's new in 2.1 for more details.
2012.02.09 2.0.18 (first 2.0 non-beta release) is out for all supported models see changelog for more details (minor translation fixes). User Guide is finally available.


2011.12.12 2.0.17 release candidate 3 is out for all supported models see changelog for more details (only minor fixes)


Ask for support in PRS+ support group (English, Deutsch, Русский, ქართული) or in mobileread PRS+ thread (English) or the-ebook.org PRS+ thread (Russian] or surquizu's PRS-505 site (Spanish)


300 505 600 350 / 650 / 950
Folders x x x x
Book History x x x x
Key Bindings (programmable keys) x x x x
Custom Dictionary x x
Disabled SD/MS scan x x x x
Statusbar customization x x x x
Menu customization x x x x
Current book's cover as wallpaper x x x x
EPUB styles x x x x
Calculator x x x x
Sudoku x x x x
Mahjong x x x x
Chess x x x x
Five in a row (game) x x x x
fb2toepub x x x x
* provided by the standard firmware
300 505 600 350 / 650 / 950
Catalan x x
Čeština x
Deutsch x x x x
English x x x x
Français x x x x
Italiano x x x x
ქართული x x x
Русский x x x x
Spanish x x x x
简体中文 * x x
* Chinese fonts are missing. Refer to this on how to mount your own fonts.
300 505 600 350 / 650 / 950
Cyrillic x x x x
Georgian x x x x
Greek x x x x
Latin1 x x x x
Ukranian/Belorussian x x x x

How it looks like on PRS 600

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