MyWebClass Site Creation - nathandh/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

MyWebClass Site Creation

User Stories:

  1. As a User, I want to be able to navigate to different parts of the web application easily.
  2. As a User, I want to be able to easily identify the page I am on at any given time and to be able to know where I came from.
  3. As a website owner, I want the website to be comply with Lighthouse accessibility standards.
  4. As a website owner, I want to ensure that my website adheres to web standards and is accessible to all users, so that I can provide a high-quality user experience.
  5. As a website owner, I want to set up a GitHub Pages site to publish my website so that I can easily host my website and make it accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Dependencies: Completion of Epic Project Infra and Setup

Risks: Failure to follow requirements from User Stories could result in rework or scope creep. We can mitigate the risk here by adequately defining all the tasks needed to deliver the minimally viable product for the user.

Estimated Effort: 1/2 Sprint, where Sprints are 2 Week periods. (1 Week)

Priority: Medium

List stories related to this Epic

  • As a User, I want to be able to navigate to different parts of the web application easily.
  • As a User, I want to be able to easily identify the page I am on at any given time and to be able to know where I came from.
  • As a website owner, I want the website to comply with Lighthouse accessibility standards.
  • As a website owner, I want to ensure that my website adheres to web standards and is accessible to all users so that I can provide a high-quality user experience.
  • As a website owner, I want to set up a GitHub Pages site to publish my website so that I can easily host my website and make it accessible to anyone with an internet connection.