Initiative: Ensure Legal Compliance with GDRP, CCPA, and any other compliance entities where our users are - nathandh/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

Ensure Legal Compliance with GDRP, CCPA, and any other compliance entities where our users are.

User Stories: As a User, I want to ensure my information is not abused, and be informed before being subject to the tracking (such as with Cookies) As a product owner, I want to make sure my site is compliant using widely available tools that scan for compliance.

Legal Compliance Validation Dependencies: Completion or in Parallel with Epic MyWebClass Site Creation

Risks: The application could result in major legal issues if it does not conform to all legal requirements. We can mitigate this risk in following industry standards by using tools to scan our site for legal compliance during development and before releases through our pipeline to Prod.

Estimated Effort: 1 Full Sprint, where Sprints are 2 Week periods. (2 Weeks)

Priority: Medium

List stories related to this Epic

  • As a User, I want to ensure my information is not abused, and be informed before being subject to the tracking (such as with Cookies).
  • As a website owner, I want to make sure that my website is compliant with GDPR regulations so that I can avoid legal fines and protect my customers' privacy.