As a website owner, I want to ensure that my website adheres to web standards and is accessible to all users, so that I can provide a high quality user experience - nathandh/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

As a website owner, I want to ensure that my website adheres to web standards and is accessible to all users so that I can provide a high-quality user experience.

Acceptance Criteria: The website complies with W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) web standards for HTML, CSS, and other web technologies. The website is optimized for performance, with fast load times and efficient use of resources like images and scripts.

Story Point: 1

Priority: Low

List of Tasks related to this item

  1. Validate the website by inputting the website URL into the W3C validator tool.

Task Title: Validate the website by inputting the website URL into the W3C validator tool.

User Story: As a web developer, I want to ensure that my website adheres to web standards and is accessible to all users so that I can provide a high-quality user experience and avoid potential issues with usability and search engine optimization.

Description: Use validator tools to ensure compliance with W3C web standards

Effort Estimate: 1 hour

Assigned To: ndh2

T-Shirt Size: 1 (Tiny)

Priority: Moderate

Status: Done