As a web developer, I want to automate the testing of my website's user interface and functionality, so that I can save time and ensure that my website is bug free and functioning correctly - nathandh/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

As a web developer, I want to automate the testing of my website's user interface and functionality, so that I can save time and ensure that my website is bug-free and functioning correctly.

Acceptance Criteria: All the tests have been completed and the website is bug-free.

Story Point: 14

Priority: High

Automated testing should cover all the major user flows on the website, including the sign-up process, login/logout, and navigation. Automated testing is able to report errors and bugs found during testing.

List of Tasks related to this item

  1. Write test scripts using the Playwright framework to automate testing of the website's user interface and functionality.
  2. Analyze and review the test results in order to identify any issues or bugs that were detected.
  3. Create easy-to-understand and reliable instructions for installing the project on the developer's mac or Windows computer

Task Title: Write test scripts using the Playwright framework to automate testing of the website's user interface and functionality.

User Story: As a web developer, I want to automate the testing of my website's user interface and functionality, so that I can save time and ensure that my website is bug-free and functioning correctly.

Description: The playwright runs the automated test scripts, interacting with the website as a user would to identify any bugs or issues.

Effort Estimate: 1 week

Assigned To: ndh2, jv494, dl349

T-Shirt Size: 8 (Large)

Priority: Medium

Status: Done

Task Title: Analyze and review the test results in order to identify any issues or bugs that were detected.

User Story: As a web developer, I want to automate the testing of my website's user interface and functionality, so that I can save time and ensure that my website is bug-free and functioning correctly.

Description: Automated test results identified issues and bugs which are fixed to make the website more effective

Effort Estimate: 2 Weeks

Assigned To: ndh2, jv494, dl349

T-Shirt Size: 1 (Tiny)

Priority: Moderate

Status: In progress

Task title: Create easy-to-understand and reliable instructions for installing the project on the developer's mac or Windows computer

User Story: As a web developer, I want to automate the testing of my website's user interface and functionality, so that I can save time and ensure that my website is bug-free and functioning correctly.

Description: Automated test results identified issues and bugs which are fixed to make the website more effective

Effort Estimate: 2 Weeks

Assigned To: dl349

T-Shirt Size: 5 (Medium)

Priority: Moderate

Status: Done